Call extension: Austrian Prize for Development Research

19. August 2019 CallDevelopment ResearchResearcher
Group of people posing for a picture and some are holding a presents or a piece of papaer in their hands
Call extended: Nominations for the main prize and articles for the junior prize can still be submitted until 11th of September 2019.

The Austrian Prize for Development Research consists of a Main Prize and a Junior Researcher’s Prize and is awarded by the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD-GmbH) from the funds of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) to scientifically active persons or institutions who have made special achievements with regard to research for development (publications, projects and initiatives).

Both awards – the Main Prize and the Junior Researcher’s Prize – contribute to improving the visibility of development research; they serve to stimulate the scientific discourse relevant to development and its social anchoring in Austria and the scientific debate on globally relevant development research topics and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. In order to do justice to the diversity of development research a broad spectrum of topics is covered and the transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary character of research is emphasised.

Information about the prize, conditions of participation, selection and awarding