Bologna Process celebrates its 20th anniversary

4. June 2019 QualityEuropäischer Hochschulraum
Gruppenfoto mit Beatrix Karl, Sigurd Höllinger, Elmar Pichl, Iris Rauskala, Christoph Badelt und Eva Werner
Austria celebrates the European Higher Education Area without obstacles to mobility.

20 years ago the so-called Bologna Process was launched – a process aimed at creating a European higher education area without obstacles to mobility. Over the last two decades the intensive exchange between the higher education systems of all European countries has resulted in a strong basis of trust, which permits unrestricted cooperation with partners beyond the borders.

On June 3rd, in the run-up to the OeAD Bologna Day 2019, the Ministry of Science and Research (BMBWF) hosted a reception at which the anniversary was discussed and celebrated.

The new Minister of Science and Research Iris Rauskala stressed that Bologna ensures "compatible, quality-assured degrees, curricula that facilitate mobility and the removal of recognition obstacles".

To the APA photo gallery

To the BMBWF’s press release