About 45 participants from 29 countries met on 21 February for the first Meet & Greet Session for scholarship holders of the OeAD. The goal was to offer participants an informal platform to network, find common interests and above all, to have fun.
The evening began with so-called sociometric activities. Participants had to line up according to certain criteria, e.g. according to country of origin, duration of their stay or how long they have been in Austria. With these and other activities to get to know each other the ice was broken quickly and it was laughed a lot.
Afterwards, Leah Mwaisango - she is working on her PhD thesis – told about her experiences in Austria. In an inspiring lecture, she entertained the new scholarship holders with stories and descriptions of various situations that she already encountered here in Austria. Leah encouraged her audience to handle even difficult situations with humor and confidence, and she came across open ears.
This first meet & greet event ended in a cozy atmosphere with a dinner together.