After Michael Schedl had given an overview of the OeAD and the ICM’s tasks Katharina Engel presented the upcoming events4scholars until the end of the year and the new functions of the OeAD’s online portal.
As usual, this was followed by the traditional Alumni Talk, in which former scholarship holders share their experiences. The guest speaker for the Alumni Talks was Tanushree Gupta from India.
Tanushree talked about her professional career as a restorer, about inspiring moments and about her scholarship stays in Austria with different OeAD programmes. She is involved in several Austrian-Indian cooperations and is particularly committed to the transfer of knowledge in India in order to preserve the rich cultural heritage and to establish restoration and conservation as a scientific discipline and established practice in museums – according to the principle of “simple, affordable and sustainable”. The complete Alumni Talk was broadcast live on Facebook and was seen by many people. You can follow the entire talk on Facebook again: To the Talk