OeAD presents "Study in Austria" at the EAIE in Geneva

12. September 2018 OeADHigher Education MarketingHigher Education
The Austrian stand at the fair with colleagues Sarah Widmoser, Michael Schedl and Eva Müllner from the OeAD and another lady.
At Europe's biggest higher education fair the OeAD together with the Austrian universities will inform about the range of courses on offer in Austria.

The European Assocciation for International Education will host the annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland from September 11th to 14th, 2018. Together with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Austrian higher education institutions the OeAD represents the Austria as a location for higher education.

At the Austrian booth "Highlight your Future. Study in Austria" the OeAD and representatives of numerous Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences will advise visitors about studying in Austria and provide information about possible scholarships and funding opportunities.