The Economy of the Future

27. July 2018 Higher EducationStudies
Gruppenfoto der Referenten und Organisatoren der Veranstaltung im Rahemen der Sommerschule "Die Wirtschaft der Zukunft".
Opening of the fifth edition of the OeAD Housing Office's Summer School Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems on July 25th, 2018

Approximately 300 people attended Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker's lecture on Wednesday in the Kuppelsaal of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). The Vice President of the Club of Rome impressed the audience with his inspiring speech entitled "Doctrinaire Economics Is Outdated but Still Dangerous" at the opening of the fifth edition of the Summer School on Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems of the OeAD Housing Office. In addition to his remarks on "The Economy of the Future" the lectures by the climate researcher Helga Kromp-Kolb (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna) "Only one planet: Boundaries economy must respect" and Professor of Finance Christian Kreiss (University of Aalen) "Bubbles, Busts and Crashes" provided a basis for vivid questions from the audience. The business journalist Eric Frey from the daily newspaper "Der Standard" hosted the exciting panel discussion that followed.

Not only public guests were invited to the event but also the participants of the eighth Green.Building.Solutions. Summer School as well as students of the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Programme and lecturers and participants of the two international academic summer programmes.

The Summer Universities Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems and Green.Building.Solutions. together are welcoming 103 participants from 50 nations this year. The English language programmes are currently taking place at the BOKU Vienna and the TU Vienna. Information about other public events can be found here

Interview with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker