OeAD scholarship holders visited Salzburg and Hallstatt

5. June 2018 OeADScholarship
Die Stipendiaten bei einem Gruppenfoto vor einem Schloss mit Park und Einhornstatuen in Salzburg.
45 OeAD scholarship holders joined the 2-day excursion from 1- 2 June to Salzburg and Hallstatt.

We started early in the morning in Vienna and went by bus to Salzburg. On our way we visited the EZA Fairer Handel headquarters near Salzburg and had an introductory lecture about fair trade. We learned that Fair Trade is a “trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalised producers and workers– especially in the South”. The 10 principles of fair trade include payment of a fair price, ensuring no child labour and the commitment to non-discrimination, gender equity and freedom of association.

In the afternoon we went by funicular up the Mönchsberg where we had a guided tour through the beautiful fortress Hohensalzburg. Besides we enjoyed the spectacular view over Salzburg. Then we walked through the old town and heard how the trade of the “white gold” made Salzburg wealthy and led do the magnificent architecture of the old city. We admired the famous cathedral, walked through the narrow “Getreidegasse” and ended our guided tour at Mirabell and a rest in the palace gardens. The next morning we went to the palace Hellbrunn and the famous trick fountains, where water comes out from many unexpected places and statues. This was definitely a very unique experience and a lot of fun for everybody. After a group picture on the staircase of the palace and a stroll in the beautiful gardens we moved on to Hallstatt. This village offers a 7000-year history of salt mining. Hallstatt is situated next to a beautiful lake and surrounded by mountains. After a guided tour through the village we had a boat trip on Hallstätter See, enjoying the sun and the scenery we felt excited and relaxed.