More than 50 scholarship holders from all over the world participated in the trip "The journey of the Vienna’s drinking water". The first part led the group to Wildalpen in the Northen part of Styria where the participants watched a film before visiting the museum HochQuellenWasser Wildalpen to receive many insights about the journey of Viennese water. Every day almost 217 million of waters flow from the source in Salzatal to Vienna, whereby it overcomes the difference of 360 Meter in 36 hours without artificial pumping. The highlight of the day was the visit to the underground source of Kläfferquelle, one of the richest water sources in Europe. The scholarship holders were very impressed, and they could convince themselves about the uniqueness of the Vienna’s mountain spring water.
To overview
On 23rd of June, one of the most popular and well-visited excursions within the framework of events4scholars took place.
1 min read
26. June 2018