Jakob Calice becomes managing director of the OeAD-GmbH

28. May 2018 OeAD
OeAD-Geschäftsführer Jakob Calice in Hemd und Anzug
Jakob Calice will take over the management on January 1st, 2019 from Stefan Zotti, who has managed the company since 2016. Since then the funding volume has increased from 36.31 million euros to 49.44 million euros and the number of employees from 208 to 228.

Jakob Calice was last secretary general of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. Calice, the former head of the cabinet of the Minister of Economy Harald Mahrer, has been responsible, among other things, for the organisational merging of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science in the last few months. He will remain secretary general until the end of the year.

"With regard to international mobility and cooperation in the fields of science and education the OeAD fulfils functions that I consider particularly important. Science can only be distinguished if it is internationally oriented; exchange programmes such as Erasmus+ have been elements of European integration for years. I am therefore pleased to be able to appoint Jakob Calice as the new managing director of the OeAD in order to further advance this important subject area", Minister Heinz Faßmann commented on the appointment of Jakob Calice.