Second Short Film Night at the Austrian Center Shanghai

3. April 2018 OeAD
Raum mit zahlreichen Gästen beim Filmtag am Austrian Center Shanghai
More than 30 visitors from China, Austria and Germany attended the film screening of three short films.

Last year, the Austrian Consulate Shanghai and the Austrian Center Shanghai hosted the Short Film Night for the first time. Due to the positive feedback, the film night was held on 29 March for the second time at the Austrian Center Shanghai. Shown were three short films, which were awarded the prizes of the Austrian Film Academy: "Nelly", "Matthias" and "Wannabe". Also featured was the Chinese short film "A Gentle Night", which won the Golden Palm for Short Film at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival.

The OeAD Cooperation Office Shanghai (Austrian Center Shanghai) is the central service platform for Austrian universities and educational institutions, scientists and students interested in cooperation, research and study visits in the metropolitan region of Shanghai and Eastern China.

More information about the Austrian Center Shanghai