AAL_12_Alumni AudioLab with Sarah Babinger

30. April 2018 PodcastsAlumni

Our podcast archive has been moved. You can find all “Welt im Ohr” episodes on Podigee.

Sarah Babinger tells about communist nostalgia and hopeful young people as well as challenges of her Erasmus stay. (podcast in German)

Sarah Babinger was interested in environmental issues early on. She began studying Energy, Transport and Environmental management at the FH Joanneum in Graz. In the autumn of 2016, she came to the small town of Gabrovo, in the heart of Bulgaria, as an Erasmus student. Soon it should turn out as a happy coincidence, although it did not remain without challenges. It is not an easy task to conquer Eastern Europe without knowledge of the national language or at least Russian, but Sarah Babinger has mastered it and returned to Austria with a lot of new experience.

She changed to FH Burgenland for her master's degree in Energy and Environmental Management. In 2017, she was one of four Erasmus students who represented 100,000 other students who went abroad to study Erasmus, which is now called Erasmus+. This was celebrated on the 30th anniversary, as this exchange program has been around for so long.

The fascination for the geographical outskirts of Europe and formerly communist states has remained, and so Sarah Babinger is already planning her next Erasmus stay. It will lead her to Lithuania.