Innovation Foundation for Education

4. January 2018 Higher EducationQualitySchool
Das Logo der Innovationsstiftung für Bildung: Viele Kugeln mit den Worten Innovation Bildung.
Promoting innovation in the classroom, breaking new ground in education and raising the level of education in Austria: this is the mission of the Innovation Foundation for Education.

Educational institutions are the Innovation Foundation for Education’s natural and first partners. Stefan Zotti, the OeAD’s director general and the foundation’s chairman, is also concerned with "involving parents even more in education and also involving entrepreneurs even more", he says in the Ö1 interview with Elke Ziegler. By the end of 2019 17 million euros are to be invested in the promotion of innovative projects – the keyword is "networking through digitisation".

The Innovation Foundation for Education was established on January 1st, 2017 by the Innovation Foundation Act and endowed with 50 million euros. The OeAD-GmbH’s director general, Dr. Stefan Zotti, is the new foundation's chairman. The foundation is endowed with a total of 50 million euros.

Listen to the interview

To the Innovation Foundation for Education’s website