Conferral of an order to HR Dir. Kernegger of the University Preparation Programme Vienna (VWU)

3. July 2017 OeAD
Margarete Kernegger steht in einem Klassenzimmer vor der Tafel.
On June 30th HR Dir. Margarete Kernegger was conferred the Great Badge of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria by the Austrian Federal President.

Margarete Kernegger worked at the University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities since 1980; since 1994 she was the VWU’s director. She was presented with the badge of honour in a ceremony by MR Dr. Friedrich Fröhlich from the Federal Ministry of Education; on the part of the OeAD the head of department and deputy director Mag. Ulrich Hörmann thanked her for her work and her endeavours for academic mobility and especially for her commitment to students from developing countries.

Congratulations! Margarete Kernegger is retiring on June 30th, 2017; we wish her all the best for the future.