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Environmental assessment of the Vjosa riverscape as the basis for an integrated water management and sustainable catchment development | VjoSusDev

Vjosa River
© Rainer Einzenberger Vjosa River

Project Coordinator: Sajmir Beqiraj

Coordinating Institution: University of Tirana

Partner Institutions: Polytechnic University of Tirana, Agricultural University of Tirana, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, University of Vienna, University of Innsbruck

Partner Countries:  Albania

Project Duration: 1 May 2022 – 30 April 2026 (48 months)

Project Overview

The project seeks to establish a long-term continued research cooperation of Albanian and Austrian scientists in the field of water governance. The specific topic is a cooperative and interdisciplinary study of the Vjosa river system in Southern Albania – as the basis for its sustainable development. Through the application of remote survey techniques and modelling of hydrology, geomorphology, vegetation pattern and land-use of the catchment; a series of joint field missions and the establishment of a continued monitoring program the knowledge base for decision making and public and institutional awareness on water governance will be raised.


Figure 1 Map of Vjosa catchment (in green) with defined reaches (pink boxes) and water quality monitoring stations (orange points).
© VjoSusDev Map of Vjosa catchment (in green) with defined reaches (pink boxes) and water quality monitoring stations (orange points).

Environmental assessment of the Vjosa riverscape - VjoSusDev| Report on the first year

The first year of the VjoSusDev project was successful in starting the integrative process of a large interdisciplinary research group as well a dialogue between science and government. The project  seeks to strengthen the research cooperation of Albanian and Austrian scientists in the field of water governance. It aims for a comprehensive understanding of the biodiversity and functional processes of the whole river system including its main tributaries as a basis for management. The project combines the research interests of three Albanian and three Austrian universities: it involves research teams on geomorphology, hydrochemistry, water quality assessment. vegetation ecology, groundwater ecology, macrobenthos, fish, terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates.

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photo of Sonja Hoxha
© Aleksandra_Jurewicz photo of Sonja Hoxha

PhD research on the Vjosa river

Meet APPEAR scholar Sonja Hoxha from Albania and learn about her research on last free-flowing, wild river in Europe. Read more

Project Dissemination workshop
© Sajmir Beqiraj Project Dissemination workshop
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