HERAS+ Scholarship Programme: new call for applications

10. December 2021
Academic staff members of Kosovan public universities: get ready! The 2nd call for scholarship applications has been launched.

The HERAS+ scholarship programme offers (prospective) PhD students and PostDocs a grant for their studies and/or research in Austria. Target group are academic staff members of Kosovan public higher education institutions, which plan to carry out a PhD or PostDoc research in Austria. Candidates already enrolled at an Austrian or other foreign university for PhD studies are only eligible for finishing their studies (max. 11 months) if they can prove a strong affiliation and engagement for their home institution in Kosovo.

Scholarship amount and age limits:
•    PhD: € 1050,-/month; max. 35 years old (exceptionally 40 years old in case of considerable care responsibilities)
•    PostDoc: € 1.150,-/month; max. 40 years old or max. 5 years after award of the PhD degree

Closing date: 13.02.2022
More Information: www.grants.at