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Evaluation criteria

For project applications corresponding to the call for applications the following evaluation criteria apply, as defined by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF):

  1. Scientific quality of the intended research project incl. feasibility of the joint research plan, adequacy of the scientific method and competence and expertise of the scientists/research teams involved.
  2. Plausibility of the described further cooperation perspective

Priority is given to projects which have not yet been funded by this programme.

Basic information:

Allocation of points:  The total possible score is 50 points and is calculated according to the following key:

  • Criteria 1 can reach between 0 and 25 points
  • Criteria 2 can reach between 0 and 10 points

Total Score – Scientific Evaluation (max. 35 points)

Further points:

  • Project coordinated by an early-stage or mid-career researcher: 10 points

If not

  • Involvement of female researchers: 5 points
  • Involvement of PhD/doctoral students or early-stage researchers: 5 points


  • Added value for the institution and Austria, monitoring, exit strategy: 5 points

Total Score: max. 50 points

Please note:

  • projects with a total score of under 35 points will be not recommended for funding



Allocation of points:  The total possible score is 100 points and is calculated according to the following key:

  • Criteria 1 can reach between 0 and 25 points
  • Criteria 2 can reach between 0 and 15 points
  • Criteria 3 can reach between 0 and 20 points
  • Criteria 4 can reach between 0 and 15 points
  • Criteria 5 can reach between 0 and 15 points

Total Score – Scientific Evaluation (max. 75 points)

Further points:

  • Project coordinated by an early-stage or mid-career researcher: 10 points

If not

  • Involvement of female researchers: 5 points
  • Involvement of PhD/doctoral students or early-stage researchers: 5 points

Total Score: max. 100 points

Please note:

  • projects with a total score of under 75 points will not not recommended for funding


Date: January 2025

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