Evaluation criteria
Following the formal evaluation, all formally valid proposals will be submitted to recognized national experts in the fields of research represented by the proposals. An expert evaluation of each project will be carried out in Taiwan and in Austria at the same time. Both authorities have to ensure that the anonymity of the experts involved is preserved throughout the whole decision-making process and beyond.
The experts will evaluate each proposal based on the following criteria:
• Scientific quality of the intended research project incl.
-Feasibility of the joint research plan
-Adequacy of the scientific method
-Competence and expertise of the scientists/research teams involved (max. 25 points)
• Plausibility of the described further cooperation perspective (max. 15 points)
Basic information:
Allocation of points: The total possible score is 50 points and is calculated according to the following key:
- Criteria 1 can reach between 0 and 25 points
- Criteria 2 can reach between 0 and 15 points
Score – Scientific Evaluation (max. 40 points)
Further points: Project coordinated by an early-stage or mid-career researcher: 10 points
If not Involvement of female researchers: 5 points
Involvement of PhD/doctoral students or early-stage researchers: 5 points
Total Score: max. 50 points
Key according to the points achieved:
50 - 45 points: highly recommended
44 - 40 points: recommended
39 - 35 points: less recommended
under 35 points: not recommended