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5th Call for Africa-UniNet Research Cooperation Projects

Proposals for cooperative research projects can be submitted until 17 March 2025 (extended deadline).
1 min lesen · 28. Jänner 2025

Africa-UniNet promotes excellent research based on mutual knowledge exchange. While the thematic scope of the cooperative research projects is not restricted, they set out to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Due to new regulations set by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), only Austrian member institutions are eligible to submit and coordinate a project. However, as in previous years, project consortia must consist of at least one Austrian and at least one African member institution. Therefore African member institutions are eligible as project partners.

All participating institutions must be active Africa-UniNet members, i.e. they must have paid the membership fee 2024. There are no restrictions  as to how many applications per institution can be submitted.

Applications can only be submitted via the StipOnline portal. The basic data for the project must be entered in this portal and the completed application documents uploaded.

Deadline for submissions: 17 March 2025, 23:59 CET.

You can find the Guidelines for the 5th Call, the Application Templates, the link to the StipOnline portal and further information on the Africa-UniNet Call website.

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