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© Paul Lauer From right to left: Gutema Imana Keno, Norbert Koppensteiner, Fayera Dinsa Hundessa, Adham Hamed, Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba

APPEAR on air - peace studies at University of Innsbruck and Haramaya University

Dr. Gutema I. Keno, project coordinator of the APPEAR project HU-UIBK Partnership for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation (PSICPCT) and his project team from Haramaya University in Ethiopia were interviewed by FREIRAD - Freies Radio Innsbruck.
1 min lesen · 06. Februar 2018

The radio programme was broadcast on 30th of January 2018 within the radio series KulturTon on FREIRAD - Freies Radio Innsbruck. It covered the graduation celebration of the Master's programme in peace studies at the University of Innsbruck.

From the programme description:

KulturTon: Opening Ceremony MA Program for Peace Studies

Opening & Graduation Celebration of this Winter’s Term 2017/18. On January 12th the Master of Arts Program in Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation at the University of Innsbruck celebrated the graduation of current students and the arrival of new students at the Grillhof in Vill. The KulturTon joined the opening ceremony and explores this extraordinary MA program.

Follow this link to listen to the radio programme.

The interview with Dr. Gutema I. Keno and his team starts at about minute 17:00.


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