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A woman sitting in front of a plain bright background, smiling into the camera.
© Christine Cavallotti Sony Baral

PhD candidate Sony Baral from Nepal participated at IUFRO 125th Anniversary Conference

In September 2017 Sony Baral had participated in the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Conference in Freiburg, Germany. She got full sponsorship by the IUFRO to present a paper related to her first research objective “Effect of Harvesting in Forest Stand Condition: A case from Nepal.” Furthermore, the presented paper has been further improved and in the process of submission. IUFRO is an international network which promotes global cooperation in forest-related research.
1 min lesen · 13. Dezember 2017

In February 2017, she had participated in the National Silviculture Workshop during her field visit, which was organized for the first time in Nepal. She had presented a paper entitled “Are We Doing the Right Things in the Right Way? Relevance of Forest Inventory Data for Deciding Silvicultural Operations in Community Forests in Nepal Terai.” Among the number of presented papers her paper was selected for the publication by a national peer-review Journal “Banko Jankari” and is under publication after final review.

Sony Baral is currently pursuing her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Harald Vacik, at the Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). Her research focuses on how the sustainable management of forest resources in Nepal is contributing towards realisation of the green economy objectives, particularly economic well-being, social equity and environmental sustainability. She holds double Master degree in Mountain Forestry from BOKU and Social Science from Tribhuwan University in Nepal. She has over 10 years of work experience in planning, implementing and monitoring of projects and programmes in forestry, climate change, disaster risk reduction, forest-based enterprise development, economic valuation, sustainable financing and mainstreaming conservation and climate change related issues in national policy and strategy.

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