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People sitting in upholstered chairs and looking at a a male presenter and a big presentation screen in front
© Dino Mujkic

APPEAR programme presentation in Moldova

The presentation was embedded in the frame of the TEMPUS project “Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Moldova”. The conference “From Quality Assurance to Strategy Developed” was organized on 7 - 9 April 2015 at the State University Moldova in Chisinau.
1 min lesen · 07. April 2015

One part of the conference was dedicated to the presentation of the APPEAR programme since Moldova is one of the new eligible countries. Participants were informed about the APPEAR programme as such and applications procedures and possibilities in particular.

Representatives from 16 Moldovan higher education instutitons, the Ministry of Education but also higher education institutions and organisations from EU countries took part. The profile of the participants varied from rectors, vice rectors, deans, to professors, students and university administration.

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