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© Moges Shita

APPEAR scholar attends Erasmus+ workshop in Poland

Moges Wubet Shita participated in Poland in a workshop as part of the Erasmus+ project "Land Information for Land Management”
2 min lesen · 13. März 2024

Moges Wubet Shita, is a PhD student in the Geoinformation Research Group at the Vienna University of Technology. He received a BSc. degree in Land Administration from Bahir Dar University and a Master's degree in Urban Land and Property Valuation from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Prior to his PhD studies, he worked as a lecturer at Debre Markos University, Ethiopia.

From 12-17 February 2024, he attended a workshop at the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland, at the invitation of his supervisor, Prof. Gerhard Navratil, Vienna University of Technology. This workshop was part of the Erasmus+ project "Land Information for Land Management (Li4LaM)". The title of the workshop was "Training teachers to develop innovative learning and teaching".

During his stay at the workshop, he learned about Moodle course preparation, video and audio recording using different applications to support teaching and learning methods. He also had the opportunity to meet experienced researchers related to his field of study. About his experiences at the workshp he reports: "it was genuinely exciting throughout the workshop; the content was both informative and fascinating".

His doctoral research is on "The nexus between urbanisation and housing in Ethiopia; case study of Debre Markos". There is a growing demand for affordable housing as a result of population growth and urbanisation. In all Ethiopian cities, including Debre Markos, access to affordable housing and land is a serious and emerging issue. Therefore, his research focuses specifically on the relationship between urbanisation and housing, the extent of urban expansion, housing preferences and affordability of households in the study area. This should  help policy makers to make informed decisions on urbanisation and housing. As a result, this will contribute to one of the thematic focuses of APPEAR, sustainable economy and urban development.



Shita, M. W., Tefera, T. A., & Gebru, M. A. (2022). Determinants of Urban Land Lease Price Using Artificial Neural Network and Hedonic Regression Model: Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 148(3), 04022031. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000859

Dominique F., Shita, M.W., Sisay Z. (2019). Does the proximity to an urban transport node increase commercial property values? Case study of the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit system (Akademica); https://www.bookwire.com/books/all/akademica?pn=1&ps=20&sf=sort_title

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