"... run at your pace and meet the target. Because of that mood I finished the race without stress and when I finished, I realized that I was running first more than what I was expecting from myself. This gave me big lesson even in everyday life." described Jacky Murekasenge her feelings after completing the run.
She and Leah Mwaisango both APPEAR scholars participated in this event for the first time and definitely enjoyed it. Leah’s advice to other scholars is to "participate next year as many as we can as the run facilitates relaxation, fitness, mind refreshment and happiness and gives us the chance to interact with other people and nature".
The Vienna UNI RUN took place on the 16th of May where students, university staff, alumni and university friends competed on a distance of five kilometres in the Prater. The participation of OeAD scholars in the Vienna UNI RUN 2018 was organised and financed by our colleagues from Euraxess - Meeting Point VIENNA.