Book publication: Fire Management in Forests and National Parks of Kenya

4. November 2016
A man in a suit is standing somewhere, smiling into the camera.

Climate change and the increasing human activities in forests and national parks are causing an increase in the number of fire incidences and the reduction of forest cover in Kenya. The need to find a solution is overwhelming.

Kevin Nyongesa, as a Master student from 2012 to 2014 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, did his master thesis research in Fire Management in Forests and National Parks of Kenya. Case studies were carried out at Kakamega, Mount Elgon and Mount Kenya Forest and National Park in Kenya. The findings were greatly accepted and published into a book by AV Akademikerverlag in 2015. Kevin is pursuing his career in academics and research. He also works with communities, youth groups and NGOs to promote sustainable forest management in Kenya.