Wood from the region "Waldviertel"
Wooden buildings at the Waldviertel-region - 500 years of know how für the future
Wood was and still is the most important sustainable raw material. The demand is still increasing. Human beings are setting up buildings made of wood since a long time. Even in primeval times they were using shelters made out of branches and twigs. For monumental buildings, stones and bricks took over the role of wood rapidly. In highly forested regions, wood kept being the most important raw material for buildings. Wood can not only be found in log houses. Even in buildings made of stone and bricks huge amounts of timber can be found at the roof and ceiling constructions.
The Waldviertel is a region of dense forests of Norway spruce, Silver fir and European beech.
The historical wooden parts of the buildings (e.g. roof constructions of churches and castles) are not investigated well, up to now. The situation is worse for rural buildings – farm houses and stables.
Goal of the project was to evaluate and date these historical wooden buildings. Students of the Agricultural school (LFS) Edelhof looked for old trees as well as for old buildings – mainly at home at their families. They took part in sampling and analyzing the objects, too. Students of the HTL Krems (Restauration) measured some of these objects to draw 3D-models. They also analysed counting and floating marks.
At one hand, regional chronologies for the Waldviertel were set up – a basis to determine the origin of timber. On the other hand, the skills of carpenters and the typical styles of wooden buildings was documented. Due to the involvement of students coming from rural regions, it was easy to find possibilities and to get permission to analyse old buildings. Except Open Air Museums, rare information about these buildings is available.
This project is already completed.
International Journal of Architectural Heritage
Bachelorarbeit an der Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Eberswalde, Deutschland in Kooperation mit der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
Masterarbeit an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
Bachelorarbeit an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
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