The authors Marion K. Poetz (Copenhagen Business School and Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft) and Henry Sauermann (ESMT Berlin) examine how millions of people can make significant contributions to scientific research in various fields with their commitment, experience and knowledge, even if they do not work in scientific institutions and may not have any formal scientific training.
In the book, interested readers will find insights into theoretical models and guidance on how to critically analyze the potential of crowd science projects to determine the appropriate timing and methods for engaging large numbers of citizens.
The authors also address recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The book shows how AI can change the role of citizens in science and increase the efficiency of crowd science projects. It thus opens up new perspectives for collaboration between humans and technology in research.
The online version of the book “How and when to involve crowds in scientific research” is available for free download. Further information: www.sciencewithcrowds.org