The Carinthian University of Applied Sciences is offering a new TECH Scholarship for Master Students from Europe, South America & Mexico.
In order to inspire new and talented students from Europe, South America & Mexico to pursue a master's degree in Austria, the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) | FH Kärnten (in collaboration with companies and associations) is offering four scholarships of 8,400 euros each.
The following goals are being pursued:
- Attracting new & high potentials for the industry in Carinthia
- Acquisition of highly qualified students from Europe, South America & Mexico
- Enable integration & retention in Carinthia
The scholarship includes:
- 1st and 2nd semester: Monthly scholarship of EUR 700.00
- 3rd and 4th semester: Part-time employment (maximum 20 hours per week) in one of the partner companies or the research department of CUAS (depending on availability)
- German language course free of charge (German for Beginners, Language Immersion Course) at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in order to enhance chances for a successful career entry.
- Applicants must neither reside in Austria nor hold Austrian nationality as per the call for applications.
- Completion of a Bachelor’s degree in one of the selected countries (* see list below)
- Admission to a technical Master program (** see Master programs according to the list) at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.
- Full payment of the tuition fee and fee for the Austrian Student Union. (possible at the earliest in January 2025)
- Demonstrated excellence in Bachelor's degree results, research activities, and/or social engagement.
Modalities & Application
Eligible applications will be reviewed and suitable candidates who fulfill the above listed criteria will receive an Email with a link in order to apply for the TECH scholarship.
+++ Apply for a Master program at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences here. The deadline for the application for the scholarship is: 30th May 2025
The official notification about the award of the scholarship will be sent latest at the of June 2025 directly to the chosen students.Obligations of the scholarship holders:
During the duration of the funding period scholarship holders need to commit to all regulations of the training agreement and the study and examination regulations.
*) Master programs eligible for the Tech Scholarship: Applied Data Science, Civil Engineering, Communication Engineering, Industrial Power Engineering, Industrial Engineering & Management, Integrated Systems & Circuits Design, Medical Engineering & Analytics, Electrical Energy & Mobility Systems
**) Citizenships eligible for the Tech Scholarship: Albania, Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Germany, Ecuador, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Colombia, Croatia, Latvia, Mexico, Moldova, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Venezuela