Report on the international symposium on 29th of June 2018
(in German only)

Position Paper on Social Work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as concrete outcome of the PROSOWO II conference in Kigali
Note d’orientation Sur Le Travail Social en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
Final programme and book of abstracts
for international social work conference in Rwanda now available.
Save the date: International social work symposium on 29th of June 2018
The PROWOWO II team invites you to attend the international symposium which will take place at FH Kärnten in Feldkirchen / Carinthia.

PROSOWO team shares insights at Global Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development
Wisdom from the South: From the 4th until the 7th of July a team of six from the PROSOWO project participated in the Global Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development at the Royal Dublin Society International Exhibition and Convention Centre in Ireland.

Event at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
23rd of April 2018
„Ruanda: Soziale Arbeit nach einem Völkermord“ – mit Impressionen einer Studienreise ins Land der tausend Hügel.
Draft conference programme of International Social Work Conference
19-22 March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda

Social Work Conference 2018: Call for abstracts
The conference will take place from 19th to 22nd of March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda. Abstracts can be submitted until 15th of October 2017.

An update about the National Association of Social Workers in Burundi – NASW-Burundi.
'Professional Social Work in East Africa' extended to Eastern Congo
With funding from the state government of Carinthia (Austria) and the NGO 'AfriCarinthia", new project activities in Eastern DRC will be started soon.

World Social Work Day 2017 celebrated in Austria; inspired by similar happenings in East Africa.

CRISOWO – the newly established East African Centre for Research and Innovation in Social Work
was officially launched on the 24th of February 2017 at Makerere University.
CRISOWO | East Africa Centre for Research and Innovation in Social Work
CRISOWO - under the auspices of PROSOWO II project - launched its website.
Click here to open the website and learn more about the centre's objectives, its efforts and activities towards achieving excellence in social work.
PROSOWO features prominently in regional reports on Africa
The PROSOWO project is referred to in two recent reports namely, the IFSW Africa regional report and the second report on the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. Both reports were presented at the World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016 in Seoul.
Social workers as "angry reminders"
Report on the PROSOWO II kick-off workshop and international social work conference in Arusha, Tanzania.
Additional funding
5.000 Euros provided by the Carinthian Provincial Government will facilitate the participation of Tanzanian partners in the upcoming International Social Work Conference in March 2014. Read more
Capacity building
New books at University of Nairobi.
Additional funding
10.000 Euros provided by the Carinthian Provincial Government will strengthen the role of the project partners in Tanzania and Rwanda.