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Capacity Building for Renewable Energy Technologies in Mozambique | RETEM

Project coordinator:
Luís Cristóvão

Coordinating institution: Zambeze University

Partner institution: FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Christof Sumereder)

Partner Country: Mozambique

Project duration: 1st of January 2018 – 30th of June 2020

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Mozambique is endowed with diverse renewable energy resources. In spite of the enormous potential, the contribution from renewable energy has not been fully exploited. Forest resources satisfy more than 85% of the total domestic energy requirements and more than 95% of energy supply in rural areas. Renewable sources of energy, which are environmentally benign, can be utilized to improve access to sustainable, modern and cleaner energy services. The livestock is abundant and forests are becoming scarce. An alternative to fuelwood is desirable and, in this context, biogas, solar, wind and hydropower energy are highlighted by the Mozambican government.

However, lack of knowledge concerning renewable energy has been an obstacle to their wider use. Therefore, structuring an updated and well formatted group in this area inside the university would also create opportunities for further cooperation with public and private initiative. Deployment of renewable energy technologies has the potential to contribute to job creation, better sanitary conditions for animals, income generation and the improved livelihoods of marginalized social groups, particularly women and children in rural areas.

Thus, this project aims to train teachers from Zambeze University, create a renewable energy research laboratory and develop curricula for the BSc programme. Thus, RETEM will help to build capacity in applied renewable energy which has a strong social and economic interface.

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