OeAD Regional Office Linz

Ein Fluss mit einer Brücke darüber. Am Fluss entlang gibt es einen Fußgänger und Radweg. Rechts ist das Ars Electronica Center. (opens larger image) © linztourismus

Welcome to Linz, the third largest city in Austria.

We support scholarship holders of the OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation in all important matters relevant for a successful scholarship stay in Austria, regardless of whether they are from Europe or non-EU/EEA countries or which programme they are supported by.

We also consult and support project leaders with administrative aspects and payment of project funds for university projects.

Important Information

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Informationen für OeAD-Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten in Linz

We have collated essential information for you on our website under the following link: https://oead.at/en/to-austria/scholars. The following information may help you to orientate yourself in the city of Linz. 

If you have any further questions, please contact the Regional Office Linz. 

Team Regionalbüro Linz

Andreas Szelegowitz

Koordinator Regionalbüro Linz / Coordinator Regional Office Linz Programme Officer Bilaterale Aktion Tschechien / Bilateral Programme Czech Republic