New funding programme: Kunst ist Klasse!

9. April 2024 KulturvermittlungCall
Hände, die Tücher werfen
The programme supports participatory art and culture projects with and for schools that introduce young people to different areas of art and culture.

New funding programme: Kunst ist Klasse!

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) have created a new joint funding programme for cultural institutions of all disciplines based in Austria. The OeAD will implement this programme.

The programme supports participatory art and culture projects with and for schools that introduce young people to different areas of art and culture. The aim of the projects is to arouse interest and curiosity in the pupils and contribute to enhancing their (cultural) skills.

Closing date for submissions: 15 May 2024
Further information (in German)