On 29 February 2024 the minister of education Daniela Perić invited the entrepreneurs of the canton and presented the working version of the new vocational education and training act in the canton of Western Herzegovina. The entrepreneurs were able to contribute their suggestions.
Also present at the presentation of the law were the Austrian ambassador Ulrike Hartmann, the prime minister of the canton of Western Herzegovina, Predrag Čović, the chairman of the parliament of the canton of Western Herzegovina, Ivan Jelčić, as well as other ministers and mayors of the canton and the head of the OeAD Cooperation Office in Sarajevo, Viktoria Kuzmits.
In his speech the owner of the company Violeta d.o.o Grude and the largest entrepreneur in the canton, Petar Ćorluka, emphasised the importance of the new vocational education and training act and the full support of the business community. Such an exchange of all relevant stakeholders in vocational education and training takes place for the first time and this law offers an opportunity not only for local companies but also for young people in the canton.
The OeAD will continue to support the canton in drafting the regulations for the vocational education and training act, which is due to come into force in the school year 2024/25.