To support sustainable educational reforms in our eight partner countries the OeAD, as Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation, works together with more than 500 educational institutions in around 20 projects in various sectors of educational reform per year. The objectives are to support the EU integration process and the future participation of our partner countries in the European Education Area.
Since November 2003 the OeAD has worked in the Republic of Moldova on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) through our co-operation office.
Together with the Moldovan Ministry of Education and local organisations the Cooperation Office implements projects to improve the quality of vocational education and training and to strengthen inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova. Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine in the spring of 2022 the OeAD Cooperation Office has also been involved in providing psychosocial support for refugee children and their integration into school life.
During a working visit on 4 and 5 March 2024 the Austrian federal minister Martin Polaschek and a reputable Austrian delegation joined the Moldovan education minister Dan Perciun to gain an impression of the long-standing cooperation. This included a school visit and exchange on 20 years of educational cooperation between Austria and Moldova at the Centre of Excellence for Economics and Finance (CEEF) with presentations of project results and the awarding of certificates to long-standing cooperation partners.
Project examples: www.oead.at/moldau