Austrian Model for Digital Competence

Benefits of the competence model

By implementing the model for digital competencies nationwide, we collectively accomplish:

  • Increased visibility and transparency of digital competence in educational offerings.
  • Improved orientation and comparability of educational offerings and digital skills - for both course providers and participants.
  • A foundation for the (further) development of offerings and curricula regarding digital skills.
  • Quality assurance through learning outcome orientation.

Are you interested in the Austrian model for digital competence? Discover here the six different competence areas and their individual competences as well as the eight proficiency levels of the competence model and visualisations of the model.

Are you interested in learning more about the mapping of educational offerings or map your non-formal courses? Here you will find all information regarding the mapping with the competence model DigComp 2.3 AT and supporting documents for the submission process.