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“International Peer Learning Activity: Perspectives on national strategies to promote learning and teaching“

3 – 4 November 2021, online

Ein Screenshot einer Videokonferenz
© FH St.Pölten

“We adopt the “Recommendations to National Authorities for the Enhancement of Higher Education Learning and Teaching in the EHEA” (Annex III) and commit to follow them, supporting higher education institutions in further implementing student-centred learning and teaching. The recommendations comprise increased support for all learners, and for teaching and non-teaching staff. Academic staff, including junior academics, require stable employment and career opportunities, parity of esteem for teaching and research, attractive working conditions, access to up-to-date staff development, and recognition of their achievements. In all these respects we will foster dialogue and collaboration on learning and teaching in our national systems and at EHEA level.” 

Bologna Rome Communique 2020

The PLA considered different perspectives on national strategies or strategic measures, gathering representatives of national authorities and stakeholders from six countries of the EHEA to reflect on their respective approaches.

During the PLA the following issues and questions were discussed:

  • How are national strategies / sets of strategic measures developed? How are they implemented?
  • How are stakeholders and their organisations (both from the HE area, as well as outside, e.g. employers and workers) involved in developing national strategies/ sets of strategic measures
  • How is the implementation monitored?
  • How are HEIs supported in developing institutional strategies in connection with the national strategies / sets of strategic measures?
  • How does the national level foster exchange among HEIs concerning examples of good practice?
  • How do national strategies / sets of strategic measures address the institutional implementation of the Bologna Process tools, such as ECTS, learning outcomes, and the concept of student-centered learning?
  • How do national strategies / sets of strategic measures address aspects of continuous enhancement of teaching through staff development?
  • Which measures are used to draw attention to questions of learning and teaching and provide incentives for good teaching?
  • How do national strategies / sets of strategic measures address questions of digitalization and open education?

This event was co-funded by the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research, as well as by the project „INternationalisation/INclusion/INnovation: Towards high-quality inclusive mobility and innovative teaching & learning in an internationalised Austrian Higher Education Area – 3-IN-AT“ – a KA3-activity of the European Commission. We thank the University of Applied Science St. Pölten for their friendly support.

The European Commission support for the production of this project does not constitute an endorsement of the content produced which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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