Your selection "third countries | researcher | without residence title | stay for longer than 6 months | without hosting agreement" resulted in the following information:
Red-White-Red Card
The “Red-White-Red Card” entitles its holder to temporary settlement and employment with a specific employer. It is suitable for persons who are intending to settle in Austria permanently. The “Red-White-Red Card” can only be issued if the applicant can prove an adequate employment. The job must correspond to the applicant’s qualifications and be paid adequately and comply with the special eligibility criteria for the “Red-White-Red Card” applied for (e.g. achievement of a minimum score, minimum gross salary).
Conditions for the granting of a “Red-White-Red Card”
As a rule you have to apply for the “Red-White-Red Card” in person at the competent Austrian representative authority (embassy, consulate with power to issue visa) in your country of residence. In case that you are allowed to enter Austria without a visa you may also submit your application at the competent residence authority in Austria.
The application can also be submitted by your employer at the competent residence authority in Austria instead. The Public Employment Service (AMS) will submit a written confirmation to the competent residence authority stating that you fulfil the eligibility criteria for this type of residence permit. If all necessary documents have been submitted, the residence authority will decide about the application within 8 weeks.
Applications for a “Red-White-Red Card for particularly highly qualified persons” may always – for example after entry with a job-seeking visa for particularly highly qualified persons – be submitted at the competent residence authority in Austria.
Please note, however, that the application does not allow you to overstay your visa-free stay or the period of residence defined in your visa.
You will find all the requirements for the types of residence titles that are particularly suitable for university graduates and researchers in the checklists.
In principle travel health insurance must be taken out to enter Austria. Please note that this insurance must be valid in Austria and provide sufficient cover for various health issues (insurance cover well over EUR 30,000, including guarantee to cover possible recovery and repatriation costs and costs for treatment of the COVID-19 disease).
Third-country nationals will only receive a residence title if they can additionally provide proof of having a health insurance "covering all risks". A travel health insurance is only sufficient for the period until a “health insurance covering all risks” can be taken out after entry.
Researchers, who are employed by an Austrian research institution, fulfil the requirement of a “health insurance covering all risks” due to the statutory insurance associated with the employment. Provided that the salary exceeds the limit ("Geringfügigkeitsgrenze") of EUR 518.44/month [as of 2024] employees will automatically be covered by health insurance (and also accident and pension insurance).
Validity period
If the above-mentioned requirements are met, researchers will receive a “Red-White-Red Card” with a validity period of 2 years. If your employment contract is for a shorter period, your “Red-White-Red Card” will be issued for the duration of your employment contract plus three months.
Renewal and change to another residence title
After two years researchers can apply for a “Red-White-Red Card plus” if they were employed according to the requirements for a “Red-White-Red Card” at least 21 months within the last 24 months.
Researchers, who have been in possession of a “Red-White-Red Card” for two years, may get a “Red-White-Red Card plus” for three years. They have to prove having fulfilled the module 1 of the Integration Agreement unless the fulfilment or exemption from the fulfilment obligation is assumed.
After a total settlement period in Austria of five years researchers may obtain the residence title “Long-term Resident – EU” ("Daueraufenthalt - EU") if they fulfil the requirements for this title.
Family members
Family members* of researchers holding a “Red-White-Red Card” can apply for a “Red-White-Red Card plus”.
As a rule family members have to apply at the competent Austrian representative authority (embassy, consulate with power to issue visa) in their country of residence. If the family members are permitted to enter Austria without a visa, they may also apply at the competent residence authority in Austria instead.
Family members enjoy free access to the labour market once they have received their “Red-White-Red Card plus” and may carry out any job without a work permit as long as the family relationship remains upright.
When applying for the “Red-White-Red Card plus” for the first time family members have to prove that they have German language knowledge at A1 level unless they do not intend to apply for a renewal of the residence title after a total period of stay of 24 months within 3 years or the fulfilment or exemption from the fulfilment obligation is assumed. Family members of holders of a “Red-White-Red Card for particularly highly qualified persons” are exempted from this obligation.
Moreover, family members have to prove that they have fulfilled the module 1 of the Integration Agreement within two years of receiving the residence title unless they will not apply for a renewal of the residence title after a total period of stay of 24 months within 3 years or the fulfilment or exemption from the fulfilment obligation is assumed.
Family members who have had a “Red-White-Red Card plus” for two years may apply for another “Red-White-Red Card plus” with a validity period of three years if they fulfil the module 1 of the Integration Agreement (see above).
Family members who have had a “Red-White-Red Card plus” or another settlement permit for five years may apply for the residence title “Long-term Resident – EU” ("Daueraufenthalt - EU"), which will allow them to stay in Austria for an unlimited period of time.
* Spouses, partners in a civil union and unmarried minors. Spouses and partners in a civil union must be at least 21 years old at the time of application.
Please note
The “Red-White-Red Card” will be issued in credit card format with a photograph and also serves as an ID document. You should carry your “Red-White-Red Card” at all times to prove your entitlement to residence in Austria.
During its validity period your “Red-White-Red Card” entitles you to travel through and to stay in other Schengen countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Croatia) for a maximum duration of 90 days within a time period of 180 days.
You have to register within 3 working days of arrival in Austria with the registration office at your place of residence.
A registration with the registration office is not needed if you reside in a tourist accommodation (e.g., hotel, guest house, campsite, private room, AirBnB) for a maximum of 2 months.
Job seeking for university graduates
Nationals of third countries who have successfully completed a bachelor’s programme, at least the second stage of a traditional degree programme (“Diplomstudium”) or a complete master’s programme or a doctoral/PhD programme at an Austrian higher education institution can apply at the competent residence authority in Austria once for a renewal of their “Residence Permit – Student” for another 12 months for job-seeking purposes before their residence permit expires.
During this period all regulations that apply to holders of a “Residence Permit – Student” (e.g. provisions regarding taking up a job, stays in other Schengen countries) will continue to apply.
Graduates of higher education institutions who can prove within these 12 months by means of an employment contract that they have a job offer (30 weekly hours at least) corresponding to their educational level will receive a “Red-White-Red Card” for university graduates from the competent residence authority in Austria without labour market check if they are paid the monthly salary for Austrian graduates local remuneration with comparable work experience, fulfil other requirements (such as accommodation according to the local standards, health insurance, etc.).
If the necessary requirements are met, graduates of higher education institutions may also apply for other types of “Red-White-Red Card” at the competent residence authority in Austria during their job-seeking stay.
Checklist for a "Red-White-Red Card" for university graduates
You have to enclose to the application photocopies of the following documents with the personally signed application form (explanation of the application form) and additionally show only the originals:
- Valid travel document
- Passport-sized photograph according to the ICAO criteria (colour photograph, size 3.5 x 4.5 cm) not older than 6 months
- Proof of accommodation in Austria (e.g. rental or subtenancy contract, legally valid preliminary contract, accommodation agreement ("Wohnrechtsvereinbarung")
- Degree certificate documenting the completion of a bachelor's programme, at least the second stage of a traditional degree programme ("Diplomstudium"), a whole master’s programme or a doctoral/PhD programme at an Austria higher education institution
- Statement of the employer according to the Act Governing Employment of Foreign Nationals (AuslBG)
In case of first-time application additionally:
- copy of the passport (all pages)
- Police clearance certificate from your country of residence (in individual cases also from your country of origin) not older than 3 months at the time of application (legalised and afterwards translated)
It is recommended to submit all foreign documents in German language.
Foreign documents and proofs (e.g. birth certificate, police clearance certificate) need to be legalised according to the applicable regulations and have those translated afterwards into German language by a sworn and court-certified interpretor as the residence authority can ask for a German translation.
The residence authorities may require the submission of further documents and confirmations (e.g. birth certificate) in individual cases. In order to avoid delays, we recommend that you submit all the above-mentioned documents together with your application.
Further information can be found here.
Documents issued by authorities of a member state of the EU only need to be translated if the authority has not attached a multilingual form (will be issued by the authority of the EU member state) to the document as well.
Costs: EUR 160 (EUR 120 when submitting the application, EUR 20 when the permit is granted and EUR 20 fee for the collection of police identification data)
Additionally for foreign civil status documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, civil union certificate) depending on the type of document: EUR 3,90, EUR 7,20 or EUR 14,30
The residence permit will be issued in credit card format with photograph and also serves as an ID document. It is recommended to carry it at all times.
Checkliste for a "Red-White-Red – Card" for other key workers
Researchers wishing to take up employment as key workers in a company due to their qualifications can get a “Red-White-Red – Card” if the following requirements are fulfilled:
- The company pays them the stipulated minimum salary [as of 2024]: monthly gross salary of EUR 3,030 plus bonus payments
- The Public Employment Service (AMS) is not able to find other equally qualified people who are registered as unemployed with the Public Employment Service for the company to fill the position (labour market check).
- According to the following criteria a minimum score of at least 55 needs to be achieved: criteria for other key workers
You have to enclose to the application photocopies of the following documents with the personally signed application form (explanation of the application form) and additionally show only the originals:
- Valid travel document
- Passport-sized photograph according to the ICAO criteria (colour photograph, size 3.5 x 4.5 cm) not older than 6 months
- Proof of accommodation in Austria (e.g. rental or subtenancy contract, legally valid preliminary contract, accommodation agreement ("Wohnrechtsvereinbarung")
- Proof of completed professional education and training by means of a certificate or diploma
- Proof of special knowledge and skills:
- Recommendation or certificate confirming the completion of a specific education or training and
- Employment verification
- Proof of the general university entrance qualification by means of a school leaving certificate qualifying for university studies
- Proof of completion of a degree programme with a minimum duration of three years at a tertiary education institution:
- Document of successful completion of the degree programme and
- Documentation of the status of the university or other higher education institution
- Proof of professional experience adequate to the education:
- Recommendation and
- Employment verification
- Proof of German or English language skills by means of an internationally recognised language diploma or course certificate
- Statement of the employer according to the Act Governing Employment of Foreign Nationals (AuslBG)
In case of first-time application additionally:
- copy of the passport (all pages)
- Police clearance certificate from your country of residence (in individual cases also from your country of origin) not older than 3 months at the time of application (legalised and afterwards translated)
It is recommended to submit all foreign documents in German language.
Foreign documents and proofs (e.g. birth certificate, police clearance certificate) need to be legalised according to the applicable regulations and have those translated afterwards into German language by a sworn and court-certified interpretor as the residence authority can ask for a German translation.
The residence authorities may require the submission of further documents and confirmations (e.g. birth certificate) in individual cases. In order to avoid delays, we recommend that you submit all the above-mentioned documents together with your application.
Further information can be found here.
Documents issued by authorities of a member state of the EU only need to be translated if the authority has not attached a multilingual form (will be issued by the authority of the EU member state) to the document as well.
Costs: EUR 160 (EUR 120 when submitting the application, EUR 20 when the permit is granted and EUR 20 fee for the collection of police identification data)
Additionally for foreign civil status documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, civil union certificate) depending on the type of document: EUR 3,90, EUR 7,20 or EUR 14,30
The residence permit will be issued in credit card format with photograph and also serves as an ID document. It is recommended to carry it at all times.
Job-seeking visa for particularly highly qualified persons
Researchers wishing to seek employment in Austria can apply at the competent Austrian representative authority (embassy, consulate with power to issue visa) in their country of residence for a visa D for Job-seeking, which is valid for six months. Researchers must provide proof of their qualifications when applying. If the researcher finds a job within the validity period of the visa, he or she can apply for a “Red-White-Red Card” for particularly highly qualified persons at the locally competent residence authority in Austria then.
Persons, who are allowed to enter Austria visa-free, may also apply for the “Red-White-Red Card” for particularly highly qualified persons (see below) during their lawful stay at the competent residence authority in Austria if they can provide evidence of a job offer (employment contract) or find a job corresponding to their qualifications within this period of time (in most cases three months).
According to the following criteria a minimum score of at least 70 needs to be achieved: Criteria for particularly highly qualified persons.
Checklist "Red-White-Red Card" for particularly highly qualified persons
You have to enclose to the application photocopies of the following documents with the personally signed application form (and the explanation form) and additionally show only the originals:
- Valid travel document
- Passport-sized photograph according to the ICAO criteria (colour photograph, size 3.5 x 4.5 cm) not older than 6 months
- Proof of accommodation in Austria (e.g. rental or subtenancy contract, legally valid preliminary contract, accommodation agreement ("Wohnrechtsvereinbarung")
- Proofs of a degree with a minimum duration of four years completed at a tertiary educational institution:
- Document proving the successful completion of the degree programme and
- Documentation of the status of the university or other tertiary education institution
- Proof of postdoctoral lecture qualification: document confirming the postdoctoral lecture qualification
- Employment contract/preliminary contract for an employment corresponding to your level of education
- Proof of last year’s gross annual salary in a leadership position of a company listed on the stock exchange or a company for the activities or line of business of which a positive expert opinion by the competent foreign trade office exists:
- Tax assessment note or document confirming the amount of the salary
- Confirmation of the employer that the applicant worked in a leadership position, and
- Documentation that the company is listed on the stock exchange or an affirmative statement of the competent foreign trade office regarding the activities and line of business of the company
- Proof of research or innovation activities:
- Documentation of scientific publications with statement of title and sources of information
- Confirmation by a university or a public or private research institution that the applicant worked in research and development or in academic (including research-led academic) teaching, or
- Documentation of a patent registration by means of an excerpt from the national or regional register of patents
- Evidence of recognised awards and prizes by a document confirming the awarding of the award or prize
- Proof of professional qualifications:
- Reference and
- Employment verification
- Proof of German or English language skills by means of an internationally recognised language diploma or course certificate
- Proof of studies in Austria (second stage of a degree programme or half of the required ECTS credits) by means of record of studies (Studienbuch) and relevant exam certificates
- Statement of the employer according to the Act Governing Employment of Foreign Nationals (AuslBG)
In case of first-time application additionally:
- copy of the passport (all pages)
- Police clearance certificate from your country of residence (in individual cases also from your country of origin) not older than 3 months at the time of application (legalised and afterwards translated)
It is recommended to submit all foreign documents in German language.
Foreign documents and proofs (e.g. birth certificate, police clearance certificate) need to be legalised according to the applicable regulations and have those translated afterwards into German language by a sworn and court-certified interpretor as the residence authority can ask for a German translation.
The residence authorities may require the submission of further documents and confirmations (e.g. birth certificate) in individual cases. In order to avoid delays, we recommend that you submit all the above-mentioned documents together with your application.
Further information can be found here.
Documents issued by authorities of a member state of the EU only need to be translated if the authority has not attached a multilingual form (will be issued by the authority of the EU member state) to the document as well.
Costs: EUR 160 (EUR 120 when submitting the application, EUR 20 when the permit is granted and EUR 20 fee for the collection of police identification data)
Additionally for foreign civil status documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, civil union certificate) depending on the type of document: EUR 3,90, EUR 7,20 or EUR 14,30
The residence permit will be issued in credit card format with photograph and also serves as an ID document. It is recommended to carry it at all times.