Quality assessment and enhancement of user-generated mobile multimedia content
User studies from different countries revealed that the typical customers of mobile multimedia applications are of young age. Furthermore, it has been understood that the content proposed to the users represents a key factor for the acceptance of such a service.
At the same time, the popularity of user-generated content is growing. Until now, multimedia quality measurement has focused on professionally produced content. Yet, the perceived quality of user-generated content is completely different. The quality expectations for professional content are significantly higher than for user-generated content. In the latter, the main idea of the script plays the most essential role. Hence, it has not been understood yet how the quality of such content can be estimated.
To find an answer to the above questions it is necessary to carry out subjective tests where users will be asked to rate user-generated content in a mobile scenario. Until now, multimedia quality has been mainly measured in laboratories. Currently, no international recommendations on how to carry on a mobile user test are available. Hence, it needs to be defined how such experiments have to be designed.
In this project we aim at finding answers to the above questions by combining the strengths of both educational institutions: university and school. The pupils will be involved in research by contributing to the tasks of (1) creating user-generated content (the researchers do not match the typical user profile) (2) designing a mobile subjective quality measurement experiment (3) performing the tests and the analysis of obtained data. The universities will provide their knowledge, will design the general guidelines for the project and will ensure the scientific exploitation of results.
This project is already completed.