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7,380 pupils from 143 schools all over Austria engaged creatively with sustainability

12. June 2024KulturvermittlungPress releaseSchool

Cultural education projects with schools within the framework of the projekteuropa competition raised pupils' awareness of ecological and social sustainability

Anniversary events to mark Tiroler Kulturservice’ 50th anniversary

22. May 2024KulturvermittlungPartnerships

The OeAD’s long-standing cooperation partner Tiroler Kulturservice celebrates its 50th anniversary with a series of events. Congratulations!

OeAD and cooperation partners invite you to the "Cultural Education Week" from 20 to 26 May 2024

15. May 2024KulturvermittlungPress releaseSchool

Teaching democracy and sustainability together with creative artists


3. May 2024KulturvermittlungCallSchool

Applications for "KUNST IST KLASSE!" can be submitted until 15 May. The programme supports participatory art and culture projects with and for schools that introduce young people …

"Making the invisible visible" - register for the online panel discussion

12. April 2024Science communicationKulturvermittlungPublic Science

On 6 June 2024, 14:00 to 16:00, researchers and artists will discuss how art opens up new paths in science communication.