Marietta Blau alumnus receives Prize of the Houses of Literature

12. February 2024 AlumniScholarship
Fiston Mwanza Mujila will be awarded the 20,000 euro prize at the Leipzig Book Fair in March.

The writer Fiston Mwanza Mujila from the DR Congo has lived in Graz since 2009 and writes poetry, prose and plays. The successful Marietta Blau alumnus received the scholarship in 2012 to research the history of narrative fiction in and about the Congo. Since then he has published numerous novels and plays, many of which have won awards. This year he will receive the 20,000 euro Prize of the Houses of Literature. The award ceremony will take place within the framework of an event at the Leipzig Book Fair. According to the network Fiston Mwanza Mujila will be honoured "as an author who has rendered outstanding services to the unique character of literary events." His most recent publications are his novel "Tanz der Teufel" ("Dance of the Devils") and his poetry collection "Kasala für meinen Kaku" ("Kasala for my Kaku"). The OeAD congratulates him warmly!

About the prize:

The houses of literature of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, which are organised in the network of literature houses, have awarded this prize since 2002. The prize goes to authors writing in German who are committed to innovative concepts of communicating literature. The possibilities are practically unlimited. They range from the scenic, musical or artistic presentation of literature to the theoretical explanation of literary concepts. Apart from the prize money the award also includes a reading tour of the network's houses of literature. Authors who have received this award so far include Bodo Hell, Ilija Trojanow, Nicolas Mahler and Marlene Streeruwitz.


Netzwerk der Literaturhäuser – The network of German-language literature houses (