Open your ears! Podcasts and radio formats for communicating science

The training series for Young Science and Citizen Science contact persons consists of three thematic modules and will take place online. The overarching topic is social media in science communication. Two experts will provide insights into the opportunities and challenges of using different platforms and formats. The entire series is held in German

Unit 3: Open your ears! Podcasts and radio formats for communicating science

Content: Podcasts are now available on every topic and for every taste - from tabloid topics to shop talk, from complex radio formats to kitchen table conversations, everything is included. Audio formats are also used for scientific topics and are becoming increasingly popular, as they promise a nuanced exchange and allow researchers to have their say. But who can be reached with science podcasts and how can the content be prepared in an entertaining and low-threshold way? What motivations of the podcast makers are relevant?

Speakers: Christiane Attig (University of Lübeck) and Melanie Bartos (University of Innsbruck)

Date: November 27, 2024, 14:00-16:00


27. November 2024 14:00 to 16:00 Online OeAD-Zentrum für Citizen Science Export Event as iCal