Net-compass for Social Web
A Peer-to-Peer Information Platform for Privacy and Data Protection in the Social Web
The Social Web with its platforms such as Facebook, Google+ etc. offers both interesting opportunities and chances but also problematic issues for young people. The project „Net-compass" aimed to provide an information platform about privacy and data protection for the Social Web created by youngsters for youngsters.
Within the project pupils created their own content about privacy and data protection for the Social Web and provided this material on a specific information platform available for other youngsters. They were supported by „Safer Internet Workshops“(ÖIAT) and by a workshop on Instructional Design (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria). Students of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria set up the information platform as part of a project run by the degree programme Communication and Knowledge Media. Any material produced was provided by the pupils on this platform. In cooperation with the scientific team the content was evaluated and, if required, improved or updated.
As a result, pupils dealt with relevant aspects about risks and safety in online use, especially about privacy issues and data protection in the Social Web, within lessons. By creating their own appropriate information materials both relevance and significance of privacy were increased and pupils assumed the role of an educational designer, acquiring valuable experience in this field. Due to accompanying scientific research the pupils were introduced to evaluation methods and learned how to conduct empirical research.
The scientific team investigated whether the instructional design for schools enhances safe online use in the Social Web. By doing so, the main emphasis was on a media-critical approach to the Social Web focusing on acquisition of skills, critical reflection of media use and knowledge on a variety of offers available.
This project is already completed.