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Facing the Differences

Contradictions and differences as a constitutive moment of pedagogical professionalism

Facing the Differences refers to transformations taking place within societies from a certain point of view, the so called theory of professional competencies: The circumstances of socialisation and education in institutions have changed tremendously, as has the professionalism of the key actors within those institutions. Traditional concepts of education are based on a stable identity and independent of all external influences (e.g. gender, nationality). However, we have to take into account that actual pedagogic situations are determined by the heterogeneity of a globalized world. The central feature of this situation is the unavoidable confrontation with different interests, experiences and possibilities of exerting influence. Therefore we assume that experiences of difference and pluralism within the self and the one to be educated as well as within the actual pedagogical setting (e.g. class, group) are a constitutive moment in the processes of professionalism. Therefore the study and reflection of those experiences should become a key element in the education of teachers. This is the leading research question of Facing the Differences: What relevance do contradictions and differences within the self and the society have for the development of a pedagogical-professional self-image of kindergarten teachers, art teachers and art mediators?


The project aims towards both the adaption of qualitative and artistic research methods (mix of methods), and the development of teaching and learning arrangements. The latter is supposed to become a part of the education programme at the Institute of Education in the Arts and the education of the kindergarten teachers, BAKIP. The chosen methods are known for their participative and reflective approach and therefore allow the perspective of a didactics, which focuses on pluralism.

This project is already completed.

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Research project
3. invitation to tender

Project leader (female)
Partners from business and society
Mag. Mikki Muhr, Wien
Participating schools
01.09.2010 – 31.08.2012
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