Citizen Science Award 2024: This year's projects are online!

19. February 2024 JugendCitizen ScienceSchool
From April 1 to July 31, school classes, youth groups, individuals and families can participate in eight Citizen Science projects and win prizes.

This year, eight current projects from the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and health sciences are inviting citizen scientists to take part in the "Citizen Science Award" research competition: Whether making an information video on human papillomaviruses with a school class or youth group, transcribing old dialect words with grandparents, researching green roofs in your own town with a school class or identifying insect species on your own - there are analog and digital participation opportunities for every age and person group, allowing all research enthusiasts to enter into a dialog with science.

School classes and youth groups can take part in all eight projects, individuals in six and families in four. Participation in research is possible throughout Austria.

The prizes will be awarded during the 3rd Young Science Congress on October 24 at the Vienna/Krems University of Education.

On the Young Science website you can find the current Citizen Science Award projects (in German only).