
Welt im Ohr: "Seasons Greetings" Armenia-Austria

21. December 2023Development ResearchResearcher

Live from the ORF Centre in the last programme of 2023 our guest Dr Tigran Keryan from Armenia will answer questions about sustainability. Ö1 Campusradio, 22 December 23, 8-9 p.m.

From nursing assistance to cardiac surgery: spectrum of healthcare qualifications mapped in the NQF

21. December 2023Press releaseQuality

The NQF serves as an essential orientation in working life and makes qualifications comparable and comprehensible throughout Europe

Event review: Interest in science has no age limit

20. December 2023Citizen ScienceScience communication

On December 18, 2023, the panel discussion on Citizen Science and science education with and for older people took place online.

Aktuelles zur Förderaktion "Kapazitätsaufbau in der Berufsbildung" - Antragsfrist 29.2.2024, 17 Uhr

20. December 2023European ProgrammesVocational Training

Finden Sie eine Übersicht der Neuerungen, Videos und Präsentationen zur Antragsrunde 2024 sowie Links zu geförderten Projekten der letzten Jahre.

Submit your project for projekteuropa now!

19. December 2023KulturvermittlungCallSchool

The BMBWF's creative competition in the school year 2023/24 is dedicated to the theme "(k)now -". Art projects in all art disciplines can be submitted and …