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Development Implications of Adaptive Migration Aspirations in Nepal and Beyond | DIAMOND

Cooperating countries: Nepal, Austria

Coordinating institution: University for Continuing Education Krems

Project coordinator: Lea Müller-Funk

Partner institution: Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility, Social Science Baha

Project duration: 01.07.2024 - 30.06.2027

Project summary

The concept of migration aspirations represents a major advancement in migration research. Yet, a remaining fundamental blind spot is how and under what conditions migration aspirations change and adapt over time. This omission is particularly grave because (changing) migration aspirations are likely to decisively affect development outcomes for individuals and their social environment—a second acute blind spot in research on the migration–development nexus. Dedicated to these pressing issues, the project develops key dimensions of migration aspirations and analyses aspirational change and its effects on development outcomes.

We build an institutional partnership around this research question focusing on Nepal—a country with a long tradition of large-scale migration, which has acute economic, social, and cultural effects on its society. Empirically, we focus on two scenarios studying migration aspirations: among young people living in their origin country, and among young people living at an international migration destination. We collect data in four key locations: two areas for internal and international outmigration in Nepal (the rural Gorkha district and Nepal’s capital Kathmandu) and two international destinations (Lisbon in Portugal and Vienna in Austria). We employ an innovative mixed-methods strategy that includes two-wave surveys and interviews, and participant observation.

By addressing these blind spots through rigorous collaborative research, an extensive outreach strategy, and a promising research partnership, we significantly advance and promote the knowledge base among academics, policymakers, and practitioners on migration and its influence and potential for sustainable development.

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