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A (moving) picture is worth a thousand words? Videos and images in science communication

12. June 2024, 14:00 pm - 16:00 pm
OeAD-Zentrum für Citizen Science

The training series for Young Science and Citizen Science contact persons consists of three thematic modules and will take place online. The overarching topic is social media in science communication. Two experts will provide insights into the opportunities and challenges of using different platforms and formats. The entire series is held in German.

Unit 2: A (moving) picture is worth a thousand words? Videos and images in science communication

Content: Online communication and formats on social media are becoming increasingly visual and dynamic. Images are no longer just accompanying texts, but are often the central content themselves, such as on Instagram. For some years now, however, videos have also been moving into the focus of platforms. Short formats such as on TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, as well as longer YouTube videos, have become central to reaching young target groups in particular and have great potential for communicating scientific content at a low threshold. Which visual formats are suitable for science communication and what needs to be considered when implementing them? How can the YouTube and TikTok platforms help to reach target groups with scientific content that otherwise have little contact with it?

Speakers: Mikhail Lemeshko (Institute of Science and Technology Austria) and Simon Meier-Vieracker (Dresden University of Technology)

Date: June 12, 2024, 14:00-16:00


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