Citizen Science Brunch "AmphiBiom"
“AmphiBiom” is one of seven projects in the Citizen Science Award research competition that encourage people to take part in research. It investigates the calls of green toads and other amphibians in Austria and invites you to go on a curious discovery tour through the local nature. The citizen scientists use the “AmphiApp” to record amphibian calls and upload them to the project database together with information on the location where the amphibians were heard. The participation of citizen scientists forms the basis for a nationwide documentation of amphibian calls, which makes it possible to record amphibians and their potential spawning waters even in places that are otherwise difficult for scientists to access, such as private gardens.
Project representatives Herbert Degen and Maria Krall (BOKU University) will introduce interested parties to the project at the themed breakfast in the Sitzenberg-Reidling library and give practical tips for participating in the research.