Cooperation Development Research

The programme "Cooperation Development Research" (KoEF), financed by the BMBWF, is a funding programme to foster research on the two main principles of excellency and cooperation in development research. The aim is to support application-oriented cooperation projects between Austrian higher education institutions/research institutions and institutions in countries of the Global South and therewith to contribute to analysing and solving local challenges and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015.

KoEF currently finances 24 cooperative research projects with a duration between 1 and 3 years and a budget of up to € 50.000 involving 150 researchers and over 40 institutions. KoEF intends to contribute to creating an environment which fosters international cooperation between researchers and institutions extending beyond individual project durations.

Eligible costs are mobility and material expenses in the context of 1-3year research projects in all scientific disciplines.

Depending on the duration of the project the funding amounts are up to EUR 50,000.- per project.

Eligible to apply are researchers (postdocs) at Austrian universities and non-university research institutions within the framework of application-oriented research as well as researchers at universities and non-university research institutions in countries of the Global South*. (*For detailed information about partner countries and project criteria please consult the call information.)

Current projects

KoEF is currently funding 39 cooperative research projects with a duration between 1 and 3 years, involving more than 280 researchers worldwide. KoEF intends to contribute to creating an environment which fosters international cooperation in scientific excellency between researchers and institutions extending beyond individual project durations. Find out more about our projects here:

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