Informatics – A child's play?!
Informatics – A child's play?!
The increasing demand for qualified staff in technology and computer science makes it necessary to stimulate and raise the interest in these fields at an early age. This was one aim of the project “Informatics – A Child’s Play?!”, which allowed young children a playful and exciting introduction to computer science. It was intended to show what computer science actually means (more than simply using computers), which core concepts are already well established and practiced unconsciously in various subjects in primary schools. Topics such as “giving directions” or “secret language”, which are explicitly mentioned in the primary school curriculum, lead directly to important computer science concepts, such as algorithmisation, coding and encryption.
Similar projects in elementary education show that interest in technology and computer science could be increased by an early introduction and fears of difficult issues or gender differences could be compensated or respectively avoided. The lessons and teaching materials of the project “Informatics – A Child’s Play” were based on the latest findings in educational neuroscience and brain research and were, in part, developed together with the participating teachers and students. This could possibly be the beginning of a long-term cooperation between the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt and schools, of a new focus or an optional subject. In addition, the children also attended some regular courses (i.e. not ones specially adapted for children) at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt and conducted their own small research projects together with the participating researchers.
This project is already completed.
In: OCG Journal - Der Weg zur Bildung 4.0; Ausgabe 02, 2016, Jg. 41.
In: INFORMATIK 2016, S. 1179-1185, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.