Privacy Policy of the OeAD-GmbH

Version of 17.07.2024


The OeAD-GmbH is particularly concerned to protect and keep safe all personal data that you entrust to us or we are processing. In this document you will learn more about how and for what purpose we will use and process your personal data. This English translation serves for information purpose. Only the German version of the Privacy Policy is legally binding.

I. Privacy policy of OeAD-GmbH

I. A. General provisions

1. Legal basis

We process your data exclusively in accordance with legal regulations (as amended), in particular:

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC
Austrian Data Protection Act (Datenschutzgesetz - DSG)
Austrian Telecommunications Act 2021 (Telekommunikationsgesetz 2021 - TKG 2021)
Austrian Research Organisation Act (Forschungsorganisationsgesetz - FOG)
OeAD Act (OeAD-Gesetz - OeAD-G)

2. Adaptations

We ensure both technically and organisationally that the data protection regulations are observed both by us and by external service providers.

Processing of personal data is, along with all kind of organizational fields, subject to continuous change, adjustment and improvement. Therefore, adaptions will occur in this document. The up-to-date version of the Privacy Statement will be made public on this website. 

I. B. Responsibility for data processing

1. Data controller

Controller for data processing is the

OeAD-GmbH — Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation
Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
(hereafter referred to as "OeAD-GmbH").

2. Data protection officer

The OeAD-GmbH's data protection officer is Mag. Christian Pichler-Stainern, .

3. Further information

In a few data processings the OeAD-GmbH is not or not solely data controller according to GDPR. This is mentioned directly below in the data processings concerned. In such cases, however, we will still accept your enquiries and provide information about the controller or forward your enquiry, if you wish.

As part of our electronic data processing we commission IT service providers (data processors) who may get access to your personal data in the course of their activities provided that they require the data to fulfil their respective service. These service providers have been obliged by us to take adequate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. These service providers are not permitted to pass on your data (except in cases where this is required by law). For further information about the service providers commissioned by us please contact us by e-mail: .

I. C. Your rights as data subject

1. Right of access by the data subject, right to rectification, to restriction of processing, to object, to erasure, to complain and to data portability

You have the right to get information about your processed personal data as well as the right to rectification by the responsible OeAD-GmbH at any time. Provided that there is no legal retention obligation or other legal basis for the processing of your data you have the right to have this data deleted. If the processing of your data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent (see point 2.). If the processing is in the public interest or to protect the legitimate interests of the OeAD-GmbH or third parties, you have the right to object to the processing. You may also have the right to limit the processing, to data portability (provided that the data is processed on the basis of your consent or in the course of the execution of a contract) and to complain to the respective regulatory authority.

2. Right of withdrawal

If your consent is necessary for the processing of your data, we will only process it only after your consent has been obtained.

You can withdraw your consent - if we process your data solely on the basis of your consent - at any time by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail-address: The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal. Statutory retention obligations shall also remain unaffected by a withdrawal. Cookies and tracking can be blocked by means of your browser settings or disallowed via our website in accordance with section F. point 1. (see therefore below).

In principle we do not process data of minors based on consent pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 letter a of the GDPR. By using our online services (website, newsletters, event registration) you confirm that you have reached at least the age of 14 or have received the consent of your legal guardian.

3. Contact details for exercising your rights

To exercise any of the above in section C. point 1. and C.l point 2. mentioned rights please contact us via e-mail: or write to us: OeAD-GmbH, attn. Data Protection Officer Mag. Christian Pichler-Stainern, Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Wien.

If you have the opinion that your data protection rights were violated please also contact us via e-mail: or address your complaint directly to the respective regulatory authority (in Austria this is the Austrian Data Protection Authority, Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Wien, e-mail:

I. D. General information about our online services (websites, newsletters, electronic contact, event registration)

1. Voluntary disclosure of your identity

Basically you can use our online services without disclosing your identity. If, however, you make an enquiry via our contact form or by e-mail, request information materials, subscribe to one of our newsletters or register for an event, we will ask you for your name and other personal information such as your e-mail address. We need this personal data to process and answer your enquiry, to send you information materials, to send you our newsletters and to carry out and document events. We also have to store data to prove our activities, in particular vis-à-vis those who have commissioned us (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), European Commission, Austrian Development Agency, etc.), and to assert any claims. For more detailed information see the respective sections regarding the individual online services.

2. Data security measures

To protect your transmitted data in the best possible way we use SSL encryption (HTTPS protocol) for our online services. You will recognise encrypted connections by the lock symbol and the prefix “https://” in the address line of your browser. All data that you transmit to our website – for example enquiries, subscriptions and cancellations of subscriptions to newsletters or event registrations – cannot be read by third parties because of SSL encryption.

If you send an inquiry by e-mail, we have to warn you that the transmission by e-mail may be unsafe due to the technical structure of the Internet and that third parties may be able to read this message without authorisation. You must therefore take responsibility for the choice of this communication medium yourself. If your e-mail provider offers this option, e-mails between your e-mail provider and our e-mail server can be transmitted in an encrypted way using TLS.

Please note that e-mails, sent to personal e-mail addresses of OeAD-employees, may exceptionally be read and processed by other OeAD-employees, especially if the employee is absent for a longer period of time.

3. Commissioning of translation service providers

We would like to point out that we commission translation service providers to translate texts on our websites of for our services into other languages and that personal data is also processed and transmitted to translation service providers in this context. This involves the following categories of personal data:

  • Name,
  • origin/country,
  • function,
  • Company
  • Depending on the OeAD program, economic, cultural and social data may also be processed.

4. Freshdesk

To process legal questions, we use the email ticketing system "Freshdesk" from Freshworks, Inc, 2950 S. Delaware Street, Suite 201, San Mateo, California 94403, USA (Freshworks).

Therefore, if you ask legal questions by email or telephone, these will be stored and organised in the ticketing system to enable chronological processing and improve the service experience. For the organisation and processing of inquiries, personal data is collected, transmitted to Freshworks, stored there and read out according to the scope of its provision, but in any case first and last name as well as email address or telephone number.

The legal basis for the processing of this data is our legitimate interest in the efficient design of our customer service, the fastest possible response to your request and the optimisation of our service offer in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

We have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) with Freshworks, which ensures the protection of the data and prohibits unauthorised disclosure to third parties. For the transfer of data to the USA, Freshworks relies on standard contractual clauses of the European Commission, which are intended to ensure compliance with the European level of data protection. In addition, Freshworks is certified in accordance with the adequacy decision of the European Commission in the list of the US Department of Commerce.

I. E. Websites: Cookies, tracking tools and web analysis

1. General information about data collection

Cookies, web beacons and the analysis software Matomo are used on our Internet platforms. Moreover, the IP address of the device you are using to access our websites and the pages accessed will be stored along with date and time of your access for a period of three days to analyse any attacks or irregularities as well as errors that may occur.

2. Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are used to optimise the display of the website on your device, to recognise repeated visits to our website and to determine the frequency of use and the number of users of our website. By using our website you are consenting to us using cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies in your browser settings. For details of how this works please refer to your browser manufacturer's instructions and the information in section 6. If you choose not to accept cookies, the functionality of our website may be restricted. Some cookies will remain stored on your device in order to recognise a new visit to our website until you delete them.

Our cookies in use:

  • Necessary cookies - These cookies ensure basic functions of our website. This enables us to provide you with preferred settings for your next visit. They also contribute to the safe use of our website.
    cookieconsent_status_new - contains the information to what extent the user has confirmed the use of cookies.
  • Statistical cookies - With the help of these cookies we can analyse the use of our website. These help us to constantly improve the functionality of our website.
    _pk_ses.* - shows an active visitor’s session. used to store interactions with your website. (stored for 30 min)
    _pk_id.* - used to recognize visitors and hold their various properties: visitorID, cookie creation time, count of previous visits, current time and time of a last visit. (stored for 13 months)
  • Social Media (YouTube) - see I.E.4.

    Cookie pot-out option: see I.F. Cookie-settings

3. Web Beacons, tracking and web analytics

We use the software Matomo to analyse how our websites are used. This software allows us to analyse online behaviour with regard to time, geographical location, type and operating system of the device used (PC, laptop, tablet, mobile/cell phone), browser used and website usage. This enables us to optimise the information offered to our users and the display on different devices (PC, laptop, tablet, mobile/cell phone) and different browsers. This information is collected via cookies (see section E. point 2.) and web beacons. Web beacons are small graphics on websites that allow log file recording and log file analysis that is used for statistical analysis. The information generated in this way is only transferred to our server and stored there for analytical purposes. Only the first six digits of the IP address will be stored, which only allows an approximate localisation by region. This anonymised data will not be linked to other personal data. The information about your use of our websites will not be passed on to third parties.

If you do not agree with the storage and evaluation of your visitor data, you can deactivate this at any time by means of the option (see section F. point 1.). 

4. YouTube

Our website uses the provider YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA, represented by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA for the integration of videos. We have embedded our YouTube videos in the enhanced privacy mode: in this case YouTube will contact Google's DoubleClick service but according to Google's privacy policy will not process personal information. As a result YouTube will not store information about visitors unless you watch the video. If you click on the video, your IP address will be transmitted to YouTube.

If you are logged in to YouTube while accessing our website, this information will also be associated with your user account (you can prevent this by logging out before watching the video on YouTube). You can find further information in YouTube's Privacy Policy. Moreover, we would like to refer to the general information about and deactivation of cookies (see section E. point 3.) in our Privacy Policy.

5. Legal basis

Data is processed according to the legal provisions of §§ 165 ff TKG 2021, § 3 of the OeAD Act and Art. 6 of the GDPR (in particular according to para. 1 letter a - on the basis of your consent given by the disclosure of your personal data - and according to letter f - on our legitimate interest to run our website in a secure and stable manner, to track the use of our website statistically to improve it and to integrate other media which are run by us).

I. G. Specific Processing Operations

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  • 1.1 Allgemein

    Im Zuge des Projekts "Extremismusprävention" sollen Schüler/innen aller Schultypen in ganz Österreich für das Thema Extremismus sensibilisiert und ihre Resilienz gegenüber Radikalisierung soll gestärkt werden. 

    In einem ersten Schritt können entsprechende Einrichtungen bzw. Organisationen über ein Onlineformular Angebote für projektbezogene Workshops an Schulen einreichen, welche bewertet und freigegeben werden. In einem zweiten Schritt können die Schulen freigegebene Workshopangebote buchen, wobei die Abrechnung durch die OeAD-GmbH erfolgt. Weitere Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie hier.

    1.2 Onlineformular

    1.2.1 Zweck für die Erhebung und Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten

    Ihre bei der Registrierung und Einreichung eines Angebots via Onlineformular sowie auf sonstigem Wege bekanntgegebenen Daten werden von der OeAD-GmbH zum Zweck der Bearbeitung der Einreichung, der Beurteilung dieser, des Versands von Verständigungs- bzw. Ablehnungsschreiben über die Aufnahme in den Pool an freigegebenen Angeboten, für den Vertragsabschluss, die Übermittlung von Informationen für die Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Workshops, für die Auszahlung und Abrechnung der Geldmittel sowie für die Nachbetreuung, verarbeitet. Ausgewählte Daten werden im öffentlichen Interesse liegend in den Medien, im Internet oder im Rahmen sonst öffentlich zugänglicher Berichte veröffentlicht.

    1.2.2 Auftragsverarbeiter

    Die für die Abwicklung von Registrierung, Bewerbung, Vertragsabschluss, Auszahlung, Abrechnung und Nachbetreuung verwendeten Datenanwendungen werden von IT-Dienstleistern in unserem Auftrag betrieben, welche im Zuge ihrer Tätigkeiten Zugriff auf Ihre personenbezogenen Daten erlangen können, sofern diese die Daten zur Erfüllung ihrer jeweiligen Leistung benötigen. Diese IT-Dienstleister wurden zu ausreichenden technischen und organisatorischen Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung des Schutzes Ihrer Daten verpflichtet. Diesen IT-Dienstleistern ist die Weitergabe Ihrer Daten (außer in gesetzlich geregelten Fällen) nicht gestattet. Nähere Informationen zu den beauftragten Dienstleistern können Sie unter anfragen.

    1.2.3 Erhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten dritter Personen

    Wenn im Zuge der Antragstellung oder im Rahmen der Berichts- und Abrechnungspflichten personenbezogene Daten Dritter (nämlich von Projektpartner/innen, Trainer/innen und anderen im Rahmen des Projekts beschäftigten Personen) an uns übermittelt werden, ist die datenübermittelnde Person verpflichtet, sich im Vorfeld dazu die Berechtigung und das Einverständnis von den betroffenen Personen über diese Datenübermittlung und Datenverwendung einzuholen..

    1.2.4 Weitergabe von Daten an Dritte

    Personenbezogene Daten werden zur fachlichen Begleitung des Auswahlprozesses und Evluation der Angebote auch an Prüfer/innen weitergegeben, die das eingereichte Angebot bewerten. Zur Beurteilung/Prüfung von Projektanträgen,Einreichungen und zur Prüfung von Abrechnungen können personenbezogene Daten auch an wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen bzw. andere Förder- und Zuwendungsstellen übermittelt werden.

    1.2.5 Rechtliche Grundlage, Aufbewahrungsdauer

    Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt auf Basis des Art. 6 Abs. 1 Buchstabe b (Verarbeitung zur Erfüllung eines Vertrages und zu vorvertraglichen Maßnahmen), Buchstabe c (rechtliche Verpflichtung des Verantwortlichen), Buchstabe e (für die Wahrnehmung einer Aufgabe im öffentlichen Interesse) und Buchstabe f (zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen der OeAD-GmbH und des Verantwortlichen) DSGVO.

    Alle personenbezogenen Daten sowie alle mit dem Geschäftsfall verbundenen Unterlagen/Belege sind für die Dauer von sieben Jahren aufbewahrt werden. Die Aufbewahrungsfrist beginnt am – dem Stichtag folgenden – 1. Jänner, und zwar:

    • im Falle der Zurücknahme oder Nichtweiterverfolgung des Projektantrages bzw. Förderantrages oder einer negativen Entscheidung ab dem letzten Kontakt (Stichtag),
    • im Falle einer positiven Projektentscheidung ab dem Ende des Jahres der Auszahlung (Stichtag) der gesamten von der OeAD-GmbH getätigten finanziellen Unterstützung oder Fördermittel (= Auszahlung der letzten Rate nach unserer Genehmigung der Abrechnung oder Eintreffen einer Rückzahlung gemäß unserer Rückforderung nach der Abrechnung),
    • im Falle einer positiven Projektentscheidung ab dem Ende des Jahres des betroffenen Schuljahres (Stichtag), wenn keine projektunterstützenden finanziellen Mittel vorgesehen sind und
    • im Falle einer positiven Projektentscheidung ab dem Ende des Jahres des vom Projekt betroffenen Schuljahres (Stichtag), in dem die Honorarnote gesendet werden kann.

    Es kann auf Anforderung dazu kommen, dass personenbezogene Daten an Organe und Beauftragte des Rechnungshofes, des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen, des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung sowie der Europäischen Union nach den EU-rechtlichen Bestimmungen übermittelt oder offengelegt werden müssen.

    Die Daten werden nach Ablauf der Fristen grundsätzlich automatisch innerhalb der standardisierten Löschroutine gelöscht.

    Wenn Sie die Registrierung/Einreichung/Bewerbung zur Vorbereitung einer Online-Registrierung/Einreichung/Bewerbung nicht abschließen, d.h. nicht innerhalb der Registrierungsfrist/Einreichfrist/Bewerbungsfrist den Aktivierungslink („Senden“) bestätigen, werden die Registrierungs-, Einreich- bzw. Bewerbungsdaten gelöscht.

    1.3 OeAD-Website Extremismusprävention

  • 3.1 Allgemeines

    Die OeAD-GmbH unterstützt die Initiative der österreichischen Bundesregierung „Digitales Lernen“. Diese Initiative ist Teil des 8-Punkte-Plans für den digitalen Unterricht und hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, seit dem Schuljahr 2021/22 die 5. und einmalig auch die 6. Schulstufen mit digitalen Geräten auszustatten. Zweck der Initiative ist es, die pädagogischen und technischen Voraussetzungen für einen IT-gestützten Unterricht zu schaffen und Schüler/innen zu gleichen Rahmenbedingungen den Zugang zu digitaler Bildung zu ermöglichen.

    im Sinne des § 7 SchDigiG erbringt die OeAD-GmbH im Auftrag des BMBWF Koordinierungs-, Monitoring- und Informationsaufgaben und ist insofern Auftragsverarbeiterin des BMBWF als Verantwortlichen.

    3.2 Digitales Lernen Hotline samt Ticketsystem

    3.2.1 Grundsätzliches

    Die OeAD-GmbH betreibt eine Digitales Lernen Hotline samt Ticketsystem, um Ihre Fragen zur Initiative beantworten zu können. Ihre im Gespräch bzw. per E-Mail zur Verfügung gestellten Daten werden von der OeAD-GmbH zum Zweck der Beantwortung Ihrer Anfragen, der Beurteilung dieser sowie des Versands von Verständigungs- und Antwortschreiben gespeichert.

    3.2.2 Auftragsverarbeiter

    Die für die Abwicklung der Digitales Lernen Hotline verwendeten Datenanwendungen werden von IT-Dienstleistern in unserem Auftrag betrieben, welche im Zuge ihrer Tätigkeiten Zugriff auf Ihre personenbezogenen Daten erlangen können, sofern diese die Daten zur Erfüllung ihrer jeweiligen Leistung benötigen. Diese IT-Dienstleister wurden zu ausreichenden technischen und organisatorischen Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung des Schutzes Ihrer Daten verpflichtet. Diesen IT-Dienstleistern ist die Weitergabe Ihrer Daten (außer in gesetzlich geregelten Fällen) nicht gestattet. Nähere Informationen zu den beauftragten Dienstleistern können Sie unter anfragen.

    3.2.3 Erhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten dritter Personen

    Wenn im Zuge der Fragestellung personenbezogene Daten Dritter (nämlich von Schulen, Schüler/innen oder  anderen Personen) an uns übermittelt werden, ist die datenübermittelnde Person verpflichtet, sich im Vorfeld dazu die Berechtigung und das Einverständnis von den betroffenen Personen über diese Datenübermittlung und Datenverwendung einzuholen..

    3.2.4 Weitergabe von Daten an Dritte

    Personenbezogene Daten werden zur Beurteilung und Beantwortung der an uns gestellten Fragen an Dritte, wie insbesondere das BMBWF, weitergegeben.

    Es kann auf Anforderung dazu kommen, dass personenbezogene Daten an Organe und Beauftragte des Rechnungshofes, des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen sowie der Europäischen Union nach den EU-rechtlichen Bestimmungen übermittelt oder offengelegt werden müssen.

    3.2.5 Rechtliche Grundlage, Aufbewahrungsdauer

    Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt auf Basis des Art. 6 Abs. 1 Buchstabe a (Einwilligung), Buchstabe e (für die Wahrnehmung einer Aufgabe im öffentlichen Interesse) und Buchstabe f (zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen der OeAD-GmbH) DSGVO.

    Alle personenbezogenen Daten sowie alle mit dem Geschäftsfall verbundenen Unterlagen/Belege werden für die Dauer von grundsätzlich 4 Jahren und darüber hinaus so lange aufbewahrt, wie deren Aufbewahrung erforderlich ist. Die Aufbewahrungsfrist beginnt mit der vollständigen Beantwortung der Anfrage. Die Daten werden nach Ablauf der Fristen grundsätzlich automatisch innerhalb der standardisierten Löschroutine gelöscht.

    12.3 OeAD-Website Digitales Lernen

  • 4.1 Data automatically stored

    The following data are automatically stored and processed when you visit the microsites of the OeAD-databases:

    4.1.1 Server log

    The current public IP address of your computer, together with the date and time of the access, which file is requested (name of the requested file and URL), the amount of data transferred to you, a message as to whether the request was successful, identification data of the browser and operating system used, as well as the website from which the access was initiated (should access be initiated via a link), and search terms (= log file).

    Log file information is stored for a period of 180 days for security reasons (e.g. to investigate misuse or fraud) further to optimise the offerings, and also for statistical purposes and then deleted. Data whose further storage is required for evidentiary purposes are excluded from deletion until the respective incident has been definitively clarified. This data will be passed on to law enforcement agencies if necessary and on judicial order. Any further disclosure to third parties does not take place.

    4.1.2 Cookies

    We would like to point out that we only use session cookies (tracking cookies or Google Analytics are not used) when you visit our website. These store login information or enable a secure login, for example. These cookies are transferred to your computer system and will automatically be deleted from your hard disk at the end of each browser session. The use of these cookies does not require your consent from a legal point of view and cannot be deactivated in the cookie preferences.

    4.1.3 SSL encryption

    This OeAD-website uses the industry standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt your data. With SSL encryption, your data is altered before being transferred to server of ESECURE e.U. in such a way that it cannot be reconstructed by third parties. This ensures the confidentiality of your information when it is transmitted to a website.

    4.2 Databases

    4.2.1 Examples of cultural education school projects

    With this database a collection of creative, artistic and cultural school projects of all branches of the arts for all types and levels of school further project examples in the fields of cultural mediation and project ideas with different topics are offered.

    A registration for this project database and a storage of further data as is specified in point 16.1 will not take place. Your data will be submitted to and stored by Ing. Werner Trügler, registered in the commercial register with ESECURE e.U., based in Vienna for database administration reasons exclusively in Austria. Data will not be passed on to other third parties.

    4.2.2 Cultural Education Library

    The OeAD-library based in 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstraße 5, 1st floor can be used (after arranging an appointment by pone - +43 1 523 87 65-32) by everyone (the borrowing of media is possible up to a period of 4 weeks). The library grants an insight into the development of the cultural mediation in museums especially in Austria. The inventoried stock can be found in the online-catalogue.

    In the event of a borrowing data is processed according to the legal provision of Article 6 para. 1 point a (Consent) of the GDPR.

    Your data will be submitted to and stored by Ing. Werner Trügler, registered in the commercial register with ESECURE e.U., based in Vienna for database administration reasons exclusively in Austria. Data will not be passed on to other third parties. Your data will be stored for a period of three years after borrowing for documentation purposes, for improvement management and to respond to follow-up enquiries and afterwards will be deleted.

    4.2.3 Offers of creative artists for schools

    The database is a continually growing network and contains cultural education offers of creative artists from all fields in Austria, which are especially directed to pupils of different ages. It is a service free of charge. With the registering of an offer no funding approval is combined and the OeAD-GmbH shall not be liable for any loss, cost, claim, damage, demand or expense.

    Creative artists who want to present them and their offers for students have the possibility to register with their personal data in this database.

    With your registration you explicitly take notice that your data will be processed for the purpose of logging in in this database. If the OeAD-GmbH does not accept your registration because of content-related reasons, your data will be stored for a period of 6 months will be stored and then deleted irrevocably.

    The OeAD-GmbH will consider the registration and will decide upon the activation. You will receive the access data via confirmation e-mail to your personal e-mail-address in the case of activation and approval. The e-mail-communication will be made with the e-mail-address registered in this database. The back-end recording of the creative artist’s telephone number is mandatory and will only be used for communication with the creative artist by the OeAD-GmbH. Therefore the creative artist‘s telephone number will not be published.

    The OeAD-GmbH offers that, due to data safety reasons, interested parties directly use the database to write to the artist’s personal e-mail-address. The message will be sent to a “no-reply-form” and then will be delivered together with the e-mail-message of the interested party to the artist’s e-mail-address but will not be stored by the OeAD-GmbH.

    The third parties e-mail will be sent to the no reply form of the OeAD-GmbH. These messages and the third parties e-mail-addresses then will be sent automatically to the artist’s e-mail-address and not be stored. The OeAD-GmbH therefore has no possibility to electronically retrieve any of the creative artist’s data. Nevertheless, creative artists have the right to publish their e-mail-address.

    Your data will be submitted to and stored by Ing. Werner Trügler, registered in the commercial register with ESECURE e.U., based in Vienna for database administration reasons exclusively in Austria. Data will not be passed on to other third parties.

    The deletion of the database profile will not have the effect, that all data is deleted of the SENECURE e.U.-servers immediately. The data will no longer be accessible on the website but will be stored for a period of three years on the OeAD-GmbH servers for documentation purposes and for the restoration of an accidentally deleted account.

    When personal data of third parties were declared please be informed that you as artist are obliged to obtain the third parties consent for this data transmission in advance. These third parties can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by e-mail to

    Data is processed according to the legal provision of Art. 6 para. 1 letter a (Consent) of the GDPR.

    4.2.4 Cultural Education Calendar

    This cultural education calendar is a nationwide presentation platform for cultural institutions and establishments (museums, theatres, galleries, concert halls, festivals, etc.), with special mediation offers for schools.

    For registration to this database only not personal data is required, such as a non-personal e-mail-address. For possible errors with data you provided during the registration process the OeAD-GmbH cannot be made liable. There is no legal claim that the participation in this database is free of charge in the future.

    The contact data fields (name and surname, phone number) are not mandatory and will be published on the website if declared. For the communication with the cultural institution a non-personal e-mail-address has to be provided. If you have declared a personalized e-mail-address instead you explicitly have given consent that this e-mail-address will be used for communication and transmission of the log-in data.

    Your data will be submitted to and stored by Ing. Werner Trügler, registered in the commercial register with ESECURE e.U., based in Vienna for database administration reasons exclusively in Austria. Data will not be passed on to other third parties.

    When personal data of third parties were declared please be informed that you as artist are obliged to obtain the third parties consent for this data transmission in advance. These third parties can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by e-mail to

    Data is processed according to the legal provision of Art. 6 para. 1 letter a (Consent) of the GDPR. Your data will be irrevocably deleted after deletion of your database profile and after an request for data deletion.

  • 5.1 Automatisch gespeicherte Daten

    Folgende, nicht unmittelbar personenbezogene Daten werden automatisch gespeichert und verarbeitet, wenn Sie diese Webseite besuchen:

    5.1.1 Serverlog

    Die jeweils aktuelle öffentliche IP-Adresse Ihres Computers, gemeinsam mit Datum und Uhrzeit des Abrufes, welche Datei angefragt wird (Name der abgerufenen Datei und URL), welche Datenmenge an Sie übertragen wird, eine Meldung, ob die Anfrage erfolgreich war, Erkennungsdaten des verwendeten Browsers und des verwendeten Betriebssystems, sowie die Website, von der der Zugriff erfolgte (sollte der Zugriff über einen Link erfolgen und Ihr Browser diese Information zur Verfügung stellen) und Suchwörter. Logfile-Informationen werden aus Sicherheitsgründen (z.B. zur Aufklärung von Missbrauchs- oder Betrugshandlungen) für die Dauer von maximal 180 Tagen gespeichert und danach gelöscht. Daten, deren weitere Aufbewahrung zu Beweiszwecken erforderlich sind, sind bis zur endgültigen Klärung des jeweiligen Vorfalls von der Löschung ausgenommen. Die Serverlogs werden gespeichert, um die Systemsicherheit prüfen zu können, die Website technisch administrieren, sowie das Angebot optimieren zu können und zudem zu statistischen Zwecken. Diese Daten werden nötigenfalls und auf richterliche Anordnung an die Strafverfolgungsbehörden weitergeben. Eine darüberhinausgehende Weitergabe an Dritte erfolgt nicht.

    5.1.2 Session-Cookies (technisch notwendige Cookies)
    Wir weisen darauf hin, dass wir im Rahmen des Besuchs unserer Website Session-Cookies einsetzen. Diese speichern z.B. Anmeldeinformationen oder ermöglichen ein sicheres Login. Nach Beendigung der jeweiligen Browsersession werden diese Cookies gelöscht. Für die Verwendung dieser Cookies ist in rechtlicher Hinsicht keine Einwilligung Ihrerseits erforderlich und können in den Cookie-Präferenzen auch nicht deaktiviert werden. Einige dieser Cookies werden von unserem Server auf Ihr Computersystem überspielt, wobei es sich dabei um sitzungsbezogene (Session) Cookies handelt. Diese werden automatisch nach Ende der Browser-Sitzung wieder von Ihrer Festplatte gelöscht.

    5.1.3 Tracking Cookies:
    Zur statistischen Analyse der Nutzung der Website wird das Tool „Matomo Analytics“ (ehemals „Piwik“) eingesetzt. Das Tool wird von uns selbst betrieben, die erhobenen Daten werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben, und es erfolgt kein website-übergreifendes Tracking. Falls Sie in Ihrem Webbrowser die „Do Not Track“-Option aktiviert haben, werden überhaupt keine Daten erhoben. Andernfalls wird beim Besuch ein individuelles Tracking-Cookie gesetzt, um wiederkehrende BenutzerInnen-Sessions erkennen zu können. Sie können dieses Tracking-Cookie ablehnen, indem Sie folgenden Link aufrufen: Analytics-Opt-Out

    5.1.4 Google Analytics

    Google Analytics wird von der Website nicht verwendet.

    5.2 SSL-Verschlüsselung
    Die Website verwendet den Industriestandard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) zur Verschlüsselung Ihrer Daten. Bei der SSL-Verschlüsselung werden Ihre Daten vor der Übertragung auf dem Server so verfremdet, dass sie durch Dritte nicht rekonstruierbar sind. Auf diese Weise wird die Vertraulichkeit Ihrer Angaben bei Übermittlung an eine Website gewährleistet.

    5.3 Social Media
    Die Website benutzt sogenannte Social Sharing Links für Facebook und Twitter. Erst bei aktivem Klick durch Sie auf den Button wird eine direkte Verbindung zu den Servern des jeweiligen Anbieters aufgebaut und mitgeteilt, welche bestimmte Webseite Sie gerade besuchen und welchen Inhalt Sie teilen. Sind Sie während des Besuchs unserer Webseite als registrierter Nutzer bei diesem Anbieter eingeloggt, kann der Anbieter bei einem Klick auf einen dieser Buttons den Besuch Ihrem Profil zuordnen. Details zu den dann in weiterer Folge beim jeweiligen Anbieter erfassten und verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten entnehmen Sie bitte den Datenschutzerklärungen von Facebook bzw. Twitter.

    Social Sharing Plugins werden von der Website nicht verwendet.

    5.4 Speicherort
    Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden grundsätzlich in Österreich und Deutschland gespeichert.


    6.1 Collection and processing of your data, purpose limitation

    Job applications are accepted by us by mail or by e-mail to We also use the Recruitee recruiting tool. The service provider of the Recruitee recruiting tool is the Dutch company Recruitee B.V., Keizersgracht 313, 1016 EE Amtsterdam, the Netherlands, with whom we have concluded a data processing agreement (for further information on data processing by Recruitee B.V., please refer to the privacy policy of Tellent - the group parent company of Recruitee B.V.).

    When applying for a job or making a speculative application, the following personal data may be processed for the application process:


    • Any personal data you provide, including but not limited to full name, date and place of birth, email address, phone number, picture, marital status, cover letter, resume, hobbies and interests, work experience, your diploma, LinkedIn profile and for which position you are applying.
    • Status, notes and planning related to your application;
    • Data collected from individuals conducting the interviews;
    • Based on the applicable regulations on residence and settlement required documents;
      E-mail messages;
      Evaluation of job interviews and feedback.

    We process the above personal data to facilitate the overall application process for recruitment purposes. These recruitment purposes include:

    • Assessing your suitability for employment for the advertised position and for future positions that may become available;
    • Managing your application;
    • Facilitating communication with you;
    • Creating employment reserves; and
    • Notification of new job vacancies.

    The above information will not be shared with third parties unless we have obtained your express consent to do so.


    6.2 Your rights under the GDPR

    See Section I. C. You may also contact for requests for information, correction or deletion.


    6.3 Legal basis, retention period.

    Data processing is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit  b. (implementation of pre-contractual measures, which are carried out at your request) and f. (our legitimate interest to protect our or defend against legal claims) GDPR. If you voluntarily provide us with information about yourself that goes beyond what is necessary, this is done in the context of consent pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 Sentence 1 lit. a GDPR.

    If an employment relationship is established on the basis of your application, the data will be stored for the duration of the employment relationship and the subsequent statutory retention obligations. If no employment relationship is established, your data will be deleted 7 months after the position has been filled (six-month period in accordance with Section 29 Para. 1 of the Equal Treatment Act and one month to allow for potential legal action). If you have given us additional consent to keep you informed about new positions that may be of interest to you, we will store the data for the period consented to or until your consent is revoked.

  • 7.1. Newsletters

    7.1.1 Collection and processing of your data, subscription and cancellation of your subscription, use of data for specific purposes

    You can subscribe to one or more of our newsletters on our websites; this will be done by means of a double opt-in procedure. After registration you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration. In any case we need your name and your e-mail address as well as your consent to receiving our newsletter(s). Without the disclosure of this data we are unable to send you our newsletters. In order to provide you with targeted information it is also necessary for you to choose whether you are registering as a representative of an institution or as a private individual. In the case of members of institutions we will also collect and process the name of your institution as well as voluntary information about your function and department. If you would like to receive our print products, we also need your postal address. To receive invitations to events that are relevant for you you can specify the topics that interest you.

    You can unsubscribe from our newsletters in our subscription service area here or by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our newsletters.

    7.1.2 Internal labelling

    The OeAD-GmbH may add internal allocations to target groups (e.g. committees, institutions in the education sector) to your data set based on your institutional affiliation. We do this because we want to provide you with even more specific information about the OeAD-GmbH’s services in accordance with the OeAD Act. You can of course also assert your rights in this respect according to section I. C. (including information, revocation or deletion).

    7.1.3 No tracking of newsletter usage

    To protect your personal data we do not track our users’ opening and clicking behaviour.

    7.1.4 Passing on of data for the sending of newsletters

    The software that we use to send our newsletters is

    • Mailchimp of "Intuit Inc.", based in the USA,
    • rapidmail of "rapidmail GmbH" based in Germany (for the newsletter of

    The data required for sending our newsletters (name and e-mail address) will be passed on to

    The basis of this data processing to Intuit Inc. are the concluded Standard Contractual Clauses or rather the Data Processing Addendum (DPA) and to rapidmail GmbH a data processing agreement in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR.

    7.1.5 Contact persons at the OeAD-GmbH for information, correction and deletion

    You can enter or change your personal data for receiving our newsletters (also subscription and cancellation of subscriptions) yourself in our subscription service area here. Alternatively and for enquiries regarding processing, information, correction or deletion of your data please send an e-mail to

    7.1.6 Legal basis, retention period

    Data is processed according to the legal provisions of § 165 para. 3 of the Telecommunincations Act 2021 in accordance with § 174 para. 3 of the Telecommunications Act 2021, § 3 para. 2 cl. 4, 7 and 10 of the OeAD Act as well as Article 6 para. 1 point a (Consent) and point e (Performing our statutory public relations mandate in our area of responsibility) of the GDPR. Your data will be deleted immediately if you completely unsubscribe from our newsletter service, withdraw your consent or request deletion. Should you not enter your name and desired services within one week of registering your e-mail address, your e-mail address will be deleted.


    7.2 Info mailings

    7.2.1 Collection and processing of your data, subscription and cancellation of your subscription, use of data for specific purposes

    We use info mailings to keep you up to date on specific topics. If you no longer wish to receive our mailings, please send us an e-mail to with the subject "Aus Info-Mailings Verteiler löschen" ("Unsubscribe from the info mailings mailing list").

    7.2.2 Internal labelling

    The OeAD-GmbH may add internal allocations to target groups (e.g. committees, institutions in the education sector) to your data set based on your institutional affiliation. We do this because we want to provide you with even more specific information about the OeAD-GmbH’s services in accordance with the OeAD Act. You can of course also assert your rights in this respect according to section I. C. (including information, revocation or deletion).

    7.2.3 No tracking of newsletter usage

    To protect your personal data we do not track our users’ opening and clicking behaviour.

    7.2.4 Passing on of data for sending info mailings

    The software that we use to send our info mailings is Mailchimp of "Intuit Inc.", based in the USA. The data required for sending our info mailings (name and e-mail address) will therefore be passed on to Intuit Inc. in the USA (please find here Mailchimp's Privacy Policy and Intuit Inc.'s Privacy Policy). The basis of this data processing to Intuit Inc. are the concluded standard contractual clauses and the data processing addendum (DPA) according to Article 28 of the GDPR.

    7.2.5 Contact persons at the OeAD-GmbH for information, correction and deletion

    For enquiries regarding processing, information, correction or deletion of your data please send an e-mail to

    7.2.6 Legal basis, retention period

    Data is processed according to the legal provisions of § 165 para. 3 of the Telecommunications Act 2021 in conjunction with § 174 para. 3 of the Telecommunications Act 2021, § 3 para. 2 cl. 4, 7 and 10 of the OeAD Act as well as Article 6 para. 1 lit. e (fulfilment of our statutory public relations mandate in our area of responsibility) of the GDPR. Your data will be deleted immediately if you completely unsubscribe from our mailing service, withdraw your consent or request deletion. Should you not enter your name and desired services within one week of registering your e-mail address, your e-mail address will be deleted.

  • 8.1 Use of the contact form on our websites, enquiries by e-mail

    Your data including personal data from our contact form will be transmitted to us via our IT service provider’s mail server for processing your enquiry. It will be deleted from their server immediately after transmission and processed further on our servers and stored there. Enquiries by e-mail will be received by our own mail server. We will not pass on any data that you provide in the contact form or by e-mail to third parties without your consent (except in cases where this is required by the law). We only use it to process your enquiry.

    Data is processed according to the legal provisions of §§ 165 ff TKG 2021, § 3 cl. 4 and 7 of the OeAD Act and Article 6 para. 1 point a of the GDPR (Consent). Your data will be stored for a period of three years for documentation purposes, for improvement management and to respond to follow-up enquiries.

    8.2 Skype, Microsoft Teams (Office 365)

    Online-communications and webinars also can be performed via Skype, a service of Skype Communications S.à.r.l. – a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, 98052-6399, USA or via Microsoft Teams another conference tool of Microsoft Corporation.

    Incoming data during including the communication data (time and date of the communication, numbers or user names, which are part of the communication) the preparation and performance of online-communications will be processed and stored by the Microsoft Corporation based on an order processing contract in accordance with Art. 28 of the GDPR. The skype data protection provisions can be found here, the Microsoft Teams data protection provisions can be found here.

    For participating in an online-communication only a freely selectable name is required. Your full name or other personal data will not be published by us unless you announce it voluntarily (by chat or microphone). If you ask a question by chat or microphone (audio connection) or activate your webcam, it is visible for all who participate. Confidential inquiries or inquiries containing personal data of third persons therefore should be discussed by phone with your contact partner of the OeAD-GmbH or should be sent via e-mail.

    During the online-conference your user behaviour will be recorded, in particular when you enter the online-conference, if and which questions you ask via chat or audio connection, if and how you participated in votes and when you activate your webcam, moreover your phone number if you dial-in by phone.

    The OeAD-GmbH has no control over whether participants make screenshots or record the process of the online-conference with local resources (i.e. with screen recorders) or store their course.

    Data is processed according to the legal provisions Art. 6 para. 1 letter a (Consent) and letter e (Performing our statutory public relations mandate in our area of responsibility) of the GDPR. Your data will be stored for a period of three years for documentation purposes, for improvement management and to respond to follow-up enquiries and afterwards will be deleted.

    8.3 Zoom

    The OeAD-GmbH is also using the video conferencing tool "Zoom" of the Zoom Video Communications, Inc., based in San José (California, USA), for a simplified communication via phone and video conferences and online meetings or webinars.

    Incoming data during the preparation and performance of online-meetings will be processed and stored by Zoom Video Communications, Inc. based on an order processing contract in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR. Please find more data protection information here.

    When using the video conferencing tool "Zoom" the following personal data will be processed:

    • User details: at least a declared name, optionally a surname/last name, e-mail-address, profile picture, phone number, department.
    • Metadata of the video conference: the participants IP-address, devices and hardware information, subject, optionally a subject specification.
    • Text-, audio and video data: text input by usage of chat, question or voting function, microphone and webcam data during the video conference when audio or video is played. 
    • Dial in by phone: incoming and outgoing phone number, name of the country, begin and end time, IP-address, registered business address, host name, host e-mail, MAC-address.

    If you participate in a Zoom meeting, your personal data declared will be processed and stored for reasons of preparation and performance, for the transmission of documents, for documentation (in particular by participant lists) as well as for evaluation. Data is processed according to the legal provision of Article 6 para. 1 point f (for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party) of the GDPR. Your data will be stored for a period of three years for documentation purposes, for improvement management and to respond to follow-up enquiries and afterwards will be deleted. With participation in a Zoom-meeting you give your consent to the procession and storage of personal data for the above mentioned purpose.

    If you ask a question by chat or microphone (audio connection) or activate your webcam or microphone, this personal data is visible for all participants. The OeAD-GmbH has no control over whether participants make screenshots or record the process of the webinar or the video conference with local resources (i.e. with screen recorders) or store the course of the webinar or the video conference.

    Your data will be stored for a period of three years for documentation purposes, for improvement management and to respond to follow-up enquiries and afterwards will be deleted. Zoom stores your data as long as it is necessary for providing their services and will delete them not later than at the end of the contract if by law not a longer storage period is necessary. You may delete your own data at any time. More information upon Zoom’s data deletion can be found here.

  • 9.1 Ordering printed materials

    The magazine “” and other printed information materials of the OeAD-GmbH can be ordered free of charge; you will have to disclose your personal data required for postal dispatch. With your order you agree that all data provided by you will be processed and stored for magazine / information dispatch. This data will only be passed on to dispatch and printing service providers for the purpose of postal dispatch. If you order printed materials on our website and submit an e-mail address, we may use this address for sending you newsletters or information on related products or services.

    9.2 Cancellation of your subscription order for printed materials and revocation

    You can withdraw this consent at any time and without giving any reasons by sending an e-mail to We will then no longer be able to send you any printed materials.

    9.3 Contracted data processors

    For dispatching printed materials we commission postal dispatch service providers who may gain access to your personal data in the course of their activities, provided that they require the data to fulfil their respective services. These service providers, too, have been obliged by us to take adequate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. These service providers are not permitted to pass on your data (except in cases where this is required by the law). For more information about the service providers we have commissioned please send us an e-mail to

    9.4 Legal basis, retention period

    Data is processed according to the legal provisions of §§ 165 ff TKG, § 3 para. 2 cl. 4, 7 and 10 of the OeAD Act as well as Article 6 para. 1 lit a of the GDPR (Consent). If you completely cancel your subscription to our print materials, withdraw your consent or request deletion, your data will be deleted immediately.

  • 10.1 Collection and processing of your data, taking photos and videos to be published

    The data that you provide when registering online for events (e.g. workshops, conferences) will be processed and stored for the preparation of the event, for the transmission of event documents and presentations, for the organisation of the event, to document the event (in particular by means of lists of participants) and for the evaluation of the events. With the exception of 10.2 no data will be passed on to third parties.

    By registering you also take notice that we take photos and/or videos at the event for documentation purpose which will be published royalty-free in publications of the OeAD-GmbH or on the Internet (also in our social media channels).

    We may therefore take photos and/or make audio/visual recordings at the events in order to document our event and activities and broadcast them (live), advertise them or report on them. We have a legitimate interest in the photos and/or audio/visual recordings; you have the right to object in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR.

    10.2 Passing on of data to speakers, other participants in the event, cooperation partners and those who have commissioned us

    In order to prepare the speakers in the best possible way and - when it is a meeting for networking - for the purpose of professional exchange between the participants we will pass the participants' names and institutions on to the speakers and the other participants (closed group of persons). We also have to send these details, together with your signature to confirm your participation, to our owner (Republic of Austria) and the respective authority commissioning the event (e.g. Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research; European Commission) as proof of having organised and taken part in the event. For the preparation and carrying out of the event it may also be necessary to pass on the list of participants to cooperation partners (named in the invitation letter) with whom the specific event is carried out.

    10.3 Withdrawal of consent to the use of photos and videos

    If you do not wish to be included in photos or videos taken at the event and intended for use, in particular publication, by the OeAD-GmbH, please inform the photographer or video team directly at the event or stay in areas where no photos or videos are taken.

    The use of these photos and videos by the OeAD-GmbH can be revoked at any time by sending a message to . After receipt of the revocation, the use of the photos or videos concerned will be discontinued or the photos or videos concerned will be processed in such a way that you can no longer be identified, insofar as this is economically reasonable for the OeAD-GmbH. If the economic cost of such processing is unreasonable for the OeAD-GmbH according to legal assessment in the respective individual case, the costs shall be borne by you. This does not affect any use made of the data prior to receipt of the revocation, in particular publications.

    10.4 Legal basis, retention period

    The data will be processed according to § 3 para. 2 cl. 4, 7 and 10 of the OeAD Act and Article 6 para. 1 point a and f of the GDPR (our legitimate interest to document the event vis-à-vis its owner and those who have commissioned us and to carry out the public relations work required by the law) . The data will be kept for ten years from the end of the event for the purpose of providing evidence to the bodies financing the event (e.g. Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research; European Commission) and the control bodies (e.g. Austrian Court of Auditors), and will then be deleted.

  • 11.1 Funding programmes concerned

    This section explains the use of data in the course of your application for and, if granted, the processing of funding from European Union funds, partly co-financed by funds of the Republic of Austria, within the framework of the

    • "Erasmus+ Education" programme,
    • "Erasmus+ Youth" programme,
    • Erasmus+ Sports" programme.

    This includes in particular pupil and teacher mobility, strategic partnerships in school education, school exchange partnerships, higher education mobility, strategic partnerships in higher education, mobility in vocational education and training (pupils, apprentices and teachers, vocational training professionals), strategic partnerships in vocational education and training, mobility and strategic partnerships in adult education, youth projects and out of school youth work as well as the european solidality corps (ESK) and the execution of support activities and administrative tasks for a sports team or individual athletes.

    11.2 Responsibility for data processing

    Responsible for data processing is the OeAD-GmbH — Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung (Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation), FN 320219 k (Commercial Court Vienna), Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna. Our data protection officer is Mag. Christian Pichler-Stainern,

    However, where data is processed by us (or by beneficiaries) in the IT tools provided by the European Commission the European Commission's Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture is responsible for the processing according to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (see section 1). For more information see the Privacy Statements of the European Commission:

    Specific Privacy Statement - Lifelong Learning and Erasmus + Programmes – data stored and processed in Mobility Tool

    Specific privacy statement - Projects submitted under ERASMUS+ – data stored and processed in eForms

    Privacy Statement for the Creative Europe Project Results Platform

    The information in the following point 11.3 up to 11.10 only apply to processing of data by OeAD-GmbH.

    For questions regarding data processing and data protection at your sending or receiving institution please contact the institution directly.

    11.3 Collection and processing of your data, use of data for specific purposes

    Your data provided during online registration and online application will be processed in accordance with § 2g of the Research Organisation Act (FOG) and the “Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 11th, 2013 establishing “Erasmus+”, the the Union’s programme for education, training, youth and sport, and repealing Decisions No 1719/2006/EC, No 1720/2006/EC and No. 1298/2008/EC” to process your application, to have it assessed by experts, to send letters of award or rejection, to transmit information for the preparation of the funded stay or project, to conclude the contract, to disburse and settle the grant (incl. reports) as well as for follow-up support. In accordance with § 2g para. 1 (2) of the FOG and the requirements of the European Commission for operating of the programme, selected data may or must be published on the Internet or in other publicly accessible reports. Moreover, in accordance with § 10a of the OeAD Act, your data about mobilities will be transferred to the Mobility and Cooperation Database, which is also managed by the OeAD-GmbH, after completion of your stay or project.

    11.4 Data processors

    The data applications used by OeAD-GmbH as data controller for the processing of the registration, application, conclusion of contracts, disbursement, billing and follow-up support are operated by IT service providers on behalf of the OeAD-GmbH, who may gain access to your personal data in the course of their activities provided that they require the data to fulfil their respective services. These service providers have been obliged by us to take sufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. These service providers are not permitted to pass on your data (except in cases where this is required by the law). For further information about the service providers commissioned by the OeAD-GmbH please contact

    11.5 Collection and processing of personal data of third parties

    If you submit personal data of third parties (i.e. of project partners, employees, other persons employed within the scope of the project, other persons participating in the project, e.g. participants in events or surveys) to us in the course of your application or within the scope of your reporting and accounting obligations, you are obliged to inform the persons concerned about this data transfer to and data use by the European Commission and the OeAD-GmbH. These persons may exercise their rights of information, correction of data and limitation of processing by sending an e-mail to (see also section 4). However, the rights of deletion and of objection of data are restricted by law - where the FOG is applicable.

    You may find more information about data processing by the European Commission and about contact points of the European Commission in section 11.2.

    11.6 Passing on of data to third parties

    For assessments of applications, interim and final reports your data will be passed on  to experts in accordance with § 2g FOG. Furthermore, in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 point f GDPR (our legitimate interest to check declarations of applicants and to avoid abuse of grants) we may collect your personal data, even beyond the information you provided yourself, to assess whether or not you meet the funding requirements and to check the accounting, e.g. for credit assessments by consulting a credit enquiry agency or to avoid double funding, by means of enquiries to the relevant EU and federal bodies or other legal entities that award or process relevant funding or to other third parties, and transmit it to these bodies or entities as well as carry out Transparency Portal enquiries in accordance with § 32 para. 5 TDBA 2012, Federal Law Gazette I No. 99/2012, as amended.

    We also have to report all disbursements, reclaims and repayments to the Federal Ministry of Finance (Transparency Portal).

    It is also possible that your data may have to be passed on or disclosed to organs and representatives of the Court of Auditors (in particular in accordance with the Court of Auditors Act 1948, Federal Law Gazette No. 144/1948, as amended), the Federal Ministry of Finance (in particular in accordance with the Federal Budget Act 2013, Federal Law Gazette I No. 139/2009, and in accordance with §§ 13 and 14 ARR 2014, both as amended) and the European Union in accordance with EU law.

    11.7 Transfer of data abroad

    Your data may also be transferred to scientific institutions, other funding agencies and experts in member countries of the European Union for the evaluation/examination of applications and for the verification of reports and accounts.

    If you have applied for funding for a stay abroad, your data may also be transfered to the foreign institution hosting, even if it is based outside the EU/EEA area and there is no official decision that the level of data protection of this country is adequate to the European level - but the data transfer is necessary for the performance of the contract between you and us.

    11.8 Limitation of your rights

    As from the moment the funding is granted applicants no longer have the right to deletion pursuant to Article 17 para. 3 point b GDPR and to objection pursuant to Art. 21 para. 6 GDPR regarding the processing pursuant to § 2g para. 1 (1) (Retention period for funding documents) and 2 (Publication on the Internet and in reports) as well as para. 4 (Project details and details of persons involved in the project). Likewise, with regard to the Mobility and Cooperation Database according to § 10a para. 3 of the OeAD Act, there is no right to deletion according to Article 17 para. 3 point b of the GDPR and to objection according to Article 21 para. 6 of the GDPR.

    11.9 Contact persons at the OeAD-GmbH

    For requests for information, correction, revocation and deletion please contact the National Agency Erasmus+ Education, which has been established at OeAD-GmbH, by sending an e-mail to Alternatively, you can also submit your requests to our data protection officer (see section 4.2).

    11.10 Legal basis, retention period

    Data is processed on the basis of the Research Organisation Act, especially § 2g (processing by Art 89 funding agencies), the Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 11th, 2013, establishing Erasmus+, the Union programme for education, training, youth and sport, and repealing Decisions No 1719/2006/EC, No 1720/2006/EC and No 1298/2008/EC, on the basis of Art 6 para. 1 point b GDPR (performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract) and § 10a of the OeAD Act (Mobility and Cooperation Database). The transfer of personal data to a third country is based on Art 49 para. 1 point b GDPR.

    In accordance with § 2g para. 1 FOG and for verification issues of the co-financing state of Austria the data shall be stored for a period of ten years, namely

    a) in case of withdrawal or abandonment of the application or a negative decision, as of the last contact, and

    b) in case of a positive decision, as of the end of the year of disbursement of the entire funds (= payment of the last instalment on our part after approval of the statement of account or receipt of your repayment in accordance with our reclaim after the statement of account).

    As of the moment the funding is granted applicants no longer have the right to deletion according to Art. 17 para. 3 point b GDPR and to objection according to Art. 21 para. 6 GDPR regarding the processing according to § 2g para. 1 line 1 (Retention period for funding documents) and 2 (Publication on the Internet and in reports) as well as para. 4 FOG (Project details and details of persons involved in the project).

    Data about funded mobilities which have to be transferred to the Database of Mobilities and Cooperations according to § 10a OeAD Act will be stored open-ended. The right to deletion according to Art. 17 para. 3 point b GDPR and to objection according to Art. 21 para. 6 GDPR are excluded.

  • 12.1 Funding programmes concerned

    This section explains the use of data in the course of your application for and, if granted, the award and processing of funding (scholarships) from funds of the Republic of Austria.

    This includes especially the following programmes:

    • Africa-UniNet,
    • Aktion Austria-Czech Republic,
    • Aktion Austria-Hungary,
    • Aktion Austria-Slovakia,
    • Andrássy Postgraduate Grant,
    • APPEAR,
    • CEEPUS,
    • Doctoral Grant for the European University Institute in Florence,
    • Doctoral scholarship for Central European History at the Andrássy University Budapest,
    • Ernst Mach grants,
    • Eurasia-Pacific Uninet,
    • Franz Werfel grant,
    • Funding programme for the development of digital teaching and learning materials with Citizen Science methods,
    • fundings and grants for Summercourses of Lectures for Institutes of Languages from the University ("Sommerkollegs"),
    • HERAS scholarship programme,
    • IMPULSE Iran-Austria and Austria Mundus+,
    • Internship abroad for students of the master’s programme "Austrian Studies – Cultures, Literatures, Languages" at the University of Vienna,
    • Internship abroad for teaching German as a foreign language,
    • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science scholarship,
    • Lectureship programme,
    • Marietta Blau grant,
    • Medical scholarship of the Vienna Healthcare Association,
    • Monbukagakusho grant (Japan),
    • ÖGK scholarship for medical students,
    • Richard Plaschka grant,
    • Scholarship for medical doctors of the province of Lower Austria,
    • Scholarships of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria,
    • Scientific and Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation),
    • Sparkling Science and Sparkling Science 2.0,
    • Talent Austria scholarships and prizes,
    • University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships,
    • Top Citizen Science.


    12.2 Collection and processing of your data, use of data for specific purposes

    Your data provided during online registration and online application will be processed in accordance with § 2g of the Research Organisation Act (FOG) to process your application, to have it assessed by experts, to send letters of award or rejection, to conclude the contract, to transmit information for the preparation of the funded stay or project, for the payment and settlement of the grant as well as for follow-up support. In accordance with § 2g para.1 (2) of the FOG selected data may be published on the Internet or in other publicly accessible reports. Your data will also be transferred to the Mobility and Cooperation Database, which is also managed by the OeAD-GmbH, in accordance with § 10a of the OeAD Act after completion of your stay or project.

    12.3 Collection and processing of personal data of third parties

    If you submit personal data of third parties (i.e. of project partners, employees, other persons employed or  participating within the scope of the project, applicants for grants or grant holders) to us in the course of your application or within the scope of your reporting and accounting obligations, you are obliged to inform the persons concerned about this data transfer and data use and to obtain consent to data transfer or date use whenever indicated. We will process their data in accordance with § 2g of the Research Organisation Act. These persons may exercise their rights of information, correction of data and limitation of processing by sending an e-mail to (see also section 4). The law, however, does not permit deletion of data or objection to the use of data.

    12.4 Transfer of data to third parties

    Your data will be passed on to experts in accordance with § 2g FOG (if required, also to experts in member countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area and in third countries). In case that funding is awarded or granted your data will also be passed on to the host institution and to your supervisor there and, in the case of third-country nationals who are going to spend a study or research period in Austria, also to the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA) for forwarding to the responsible representative authority for issuing the entry visa and the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) for forwarding to the responsible residence authorities for issuing the residence permit. If you indicate in your application that you wish to have accommodation in Austria arranged for you, your master data and data regarding the period of your stay will be passed on to the OeAD Student Housing Office and to other accommodation providers listed in the application form.

    Furthermore, in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 point f GDPR (our legitimate interest to check declarations of applicants and to avoid abuse of grants) we may collect your personal data, even beyond the information you provided yourself, to assess whether or not you meet the funding requirements and to check the use of the funds and the accounting, e.g. to avoid double funding, by means of enquiries to the relevant EU and federal bodies or other legal entities that award or process relevant funding or to other third parties, and transmit it to these bodies or entities as well as carry out Transparency Portal enquiries in accordance with § 32 para. 5 TDBA 2012, Federal Law Gazette I No. 99/2012, as amended.

    We also have to report all disbursements, reclaims and repayments to the Federal Ministry of Finance (Transparency Portal).

    It is also possible that your data may have to be passed on or disclosed to organs and representatives of the Court of Auditors (in particular in accordance with the Court of Auditors Act 1948, Federal Law Gazette No. 144/1948, as amended), the Federal Ministry of Finance (in particular in accordance with the Federal Budget Act 2013, Federal Law Gazette I No. 139/2009, and in accordance with §§ 13 and 14 ARR 2014, both as amended) and the European Union in accordance with EU law.

    12.5 Transmission of data abroad

    Your data may also be transmitted to scientific institutions, other funding agencies as well as to experts and members of selection committees implemented by the funding agencies in member countries of the European Union for the evaluation/examination of applications and for the verification of accounts.

    If you have applied for funding for a stay abroad, your data may also be passed on to selection committees in the selection phase (this applies to applications for Japan, Heras, Ceepus, Eurasia-Pacific Uninet, ASEA-UNINET, Lectureship programme, S&T Cooperation) and after granting of the funding (this applies to all “outgoing” programmes) to the foreign institution hosting you or to the institution that takes the ultimate decision, even if it is based outside the EU/EEA area and there is no official decision that the level of data protection of this country is adequate to the European level - but the data transfer is necessary for the performance of the contract between you and us.

    12.6 Limitation of your rights

    As from the moment the funding is granted applicants no longer have the right to deletion pursuant to Article 17 para. 3 point b GDPR and to objection pursuant to Art. 21 para. 6 GDPR regarding the processing pursuant to § 2g para. 1 (1) (Retention period for funding documents) and 2 (Publication on the Internet and in reports) as well as para. 4 FOG (Project details and details of persons involved in the project). Likewise, with regard to the Mobility and Cooperation Database according to § 10 para. 3 of the OeAD Act, there is no right to deletion according to Article 17 para. 3 point b of the GDPR and to objection according to Article 21 para. 6 of the GDPR.

    12.7 Contact persons at the OeAD-GmbH

    In case of requests for information, correction, revocation and deletion please contact our scholarship managing departments:

    • Unit Mobility Programmes and Cooperation:

    • APPEAR programme:

    • Public Science:

    Alternatively, or if you do not know which department is responsible, you can also submit your requests to our data protection officer (see section I. B. Para 2).

    12.8 Legal basis, retention period

    Data is processed on the basis of Article 6 para. 1 point b (Processing for the purpose of fulfilling a contract and pre-contractual measures), point c (Legal obligation of the person responsible) and point f (our legitimate interests) of the GDPR as well as on the basis of § 2g of the Research Organisation Act (Processing by Art 89 funding agencies), § 3 para. 4 and 5 of the OeAD Act (Disclosure of data to the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA) and the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and § 10a of the OeAD Act (Mobility and Cooperation Database). The transfer of personal data to a third country is based on Art 49 para. 1 point b GDPR.

    If you do not complete your registration to prepare an online application, i.e. you do not confirm the activation link within 7 days, your registration data will be deleted automatically.

    If you enter data for an application but do not submit the application, this data will be retained for a period of one year so that you can reuse this data in the following year for a new application. After expiry of the one-year period your data will be deleted automatically. You, however, also have the possibility to delete the entered data yourself at any time.

    Once you submit your application your data shall be stored in accordance with § 2g para. 1 FOG for a period of ten years, namely

    a) in case of withdrawal or abandonment of your application or a negative decision, as of the last contact, and

    b) in case of a positive decision, as of the end of the year of the disbursement of the entire funds (= disbursement of the last instalment after our approval of the statement of account or receipt of your repayment in accordance with our reclaim after the statement of account).

    As of the moment the funding is granted applicants no longer have the right to deletion according to Art. 17 para. 3 point b GDPR and to objection according to Art. 21 para. 6 GDPR regarding the processing according to § 2g para. 1 line 1 (Retention period for funding documents) and 2 (Publication on the Internet and in reports) as well as para. 4 FOG (Project details and details of persons involved in the project).

    Data about funded mobilities which have to be transferred to the Database of Mobilities and Cooperations according to § 10a OeAD Act will be stored open-ended. The right to deletion according to Art. 17 para. 3 point b GDPR and to objection according to Art. 21 para. 6 GDPR are excluded.

  • 13.1 Use of your data

    Your title, name, sex, institution and e-mail address are required for online registration at or for Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation) at and this data will be processed and stored. In the case of experts we will complement this data by the study areas or subject areas (scientific disciplines) for which you are able to furnish expert opinions as well as any special research areas and when and for which applications you have furnished expert opinions. When you are using the database personal user data (log data) is stored, in particular the login and logout date and time, your IP address, the Internet browser you are using as well as queries and changes made by you.

    13.2 Contracted data processors

    The relevant data applications are operated by IT service providers commissioned by us, who may gain access to your personal data in the course of their activities provided that they require that data to fulfil their respective services. These service providers have been obliged by us to take sufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. These service providers are not permitted to pass on your data (except in cases where this is required by the law). For further information about the service providers commissioned by us please enquire at

    13.3 Passing on of data to third parties

    Your data will only be disclosed in cases provided for by the law and to the competent bodies of those who commissioned us with the management of these programmes (such as the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Austrian Development Agency) and their supervisory bodies (such as the Austrian Court of Auditors). The members of the selection committees appointed by the contracting authorities will also get the names and specialist areas of the experts. Applicants, on the other hand, will not get any data of the experts.

    13.4 Transmission of data abroad

    If the selection committee also consists of members of foreign institutions (“Aktion” programmes, Richard Plaschka Grant), your data and your reports will also be passed on to these persons based in the European Union.

    13.5 Legal basis, retention period

    The data will be processed on the basis of your consent pursuant to Article 6 para. 1 point a of the GDPR and on the basis of § 2g of the Research Organisation Act (Processing by Art 89 funding agencies). Your data will be stored as long as you are available as an expert or as a programme officer or until your revocation of your consent. Services provided (together with your name and your institutional affiliation) up to your request for revocation or for deletion of your data will be processed and stored in the Mobility and Cooperation Database in accordance with § 10a of the OeAD Act. There is no right to deletion of this data or revocation of your consent to the use of this data in the Mobility and Cooperation Database according to § 10a para. 3 of the OeAD Act. The transfer of personal data to third countries is based on Art 49 para. 1 point b GDPR.

  • 14.1 Collection and processing of your data, use of data for specific purposes

    Higher education or research institutions in Austria that offer students or researchers from third countries a scholarship for their studies or research in Austria or host them may submit the following data of these scholarship holders to the OeAD-GmbH: Name (incl. title), personal data (especially date of birth, sex, nationality), Austrian host institution including contact person, information about the scholarship (especially name of the programme, period of award, amount, reference number), planned arrival date and competent Austrian immigration authority. The OeAD-GmbH will transmit this cumulative information collected from all reporting higher education and research institutions to the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA) for forwarding to the competent representative authority (Austrian embassies and consulates general) for the purpose of issuing entry visas and to the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) for forwarding to the responsible residence authorities (municipal authorities, district authorities) for issuing residence permits. The OeAD-GmbH will not check the reported data.

    14.2 Contact persons at the OeAD-GmbH for information, correction, limitation of processing, deletion and objection

    You may contact in case of requests regarding the processing of your data, for information, correction, deletion or objection. To assert your rights according to the GDPR you can also contact the persons or institutions mentioned in section 4.

    14.3 Legal basis, retention period

    The data will be processed on the basis of Article 6 para. 1 point c of the GDPR in conjunction with § 3 para. 4 and 5 of the OeAD Act. We will store your data for a period of three years for documentation purposes and to answer any enquiries of the authorities. Your data will be deleted after expiry of this period – provided that no other statutory retention obligation exist.

    16 OeAD-Databases (Examples of cultural education school projects, Cultural Education Library, Offers of creative artists for schools, Cultural Education Calendar)

  • 15.1. Allgemeines zum Förderungsprogramm

    Das Bundesministerium für Finanzen (im Folgenden „BMF“) hat die OeAD-GmbH – Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung (im Folgenden „OeAD-GmbH“) mit der organisatorischen und technischen Umsetzung des BMF-Projekts „Digital Überall“ beauftragt. BMF und OeAD-GmbH fungieren dabei als gemeinsame Verantwortliche iSd DSGVO. Zur Geltendmachung Ihrer datenschutzrechtlichen Rechte können Sie sich wahlweise an das BMF oder die OeAD-GmbH wenden, die jeweils einvernehmlich vorgehen werden.

    15.2. Erhebung und Verarbeitung von Daten, Zweckbindung

    Im Förderungsantrag (Einreichformular) sind folgende Daten anzugeben:

    • Name und Adresse der Organisation,
    • Wo zutreffend: Firmenbuchnummer, ZVR-Zahl, etc.,
    • Ansprechpersonen samt Kontaktdaten (E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer),
    • Referenzprojekte inklusive Kurzbeschreibung und möglicher Verlinkung,
    • In Beilagen enthaltene Daten (Qualitätszertifikat laut Ö-Cert, Gütesiegel „Digitale Senior/innenbildung, Organisationsprofil, Anzahl der beigefügten Workshopprofile).

    Darüber hinaus werden folgende Daten verarbeitet:

    • In Teilnehmer/innenlisten enthaltene Daten: Datum, Uhrzeit, Ort und Thema des Workshops sowie den Namen des Trainers/der Trainerin samt Unterschrift und aller Teilnehmer/innen samt Unterschrift,
    • Anzahl der teilnehmenden Schüler/innen und Klassenanzahl für jeden Workshop.

    Die in den Förderungsanträgen angegebenen Daten werden für die Bearbeitung des Förderungsantrags, für den Versand von Zuerkennungs- oder Ablehnungsschreiben, für weitergehende Korrespondenz (Rückfragen), den Vertragsabschluss, die Übermittlung von Informationen, für die Auszahlung und Abrechnung der Förderung sowie für die Nachbetreuung und Evaluierung verwendet.

    Darüber hinaus werden Daten für die Abrechnung und zur Erfüllung der Rechenschaftspflicht gegenüber den zuständigen Behörden, wie insbesondere dem BMF und dem Rechnungshof, verarbeitet.

    15.3. Erhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten dritter Personen

    Wenn Sie (insbesondere als Schulleitung oder Vertreter/in für die Förderungswerber/innen) im Zuge der Antragstellung oder im Rahmen Ihrer Berichts- und Abrechnungspflichten personenbezogene Daten Dritter (nämlich von Schüler/innen) an uns übermitteln, sind Sie verpflichtet, die betroffenen Personen über diese Datenübermittlung und Datenverwendung zu informieren und gegebenenfalls Einwilligungen zur Datenverarbeitung bzw. Datenübermittlung lückenlos einzuholen.

    15.4. Weitergabe von Daten an Dritte

    Wir und das jeweils zuständige Bundesministerium sind gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 Buchstabe f DSGVO (unser berechtigtes Interesse zur Überprüfung der Angaben von Antragsteller/innen und zur Vermeidung von missbräuchlicher Verwendung der Förderungen) berechtigt, die personenbezogenen Daten, auch über die von Ihnen selbst erteilten Auskünfte hinaus, für die Beurteilung des Vorliegens der Förderungsvoraussetzung und zur Prüfung des Verwendungsnachweises bzw. der Abrechnung (z.B. zur Vermeidung von Doppelförderungen) auch durch Rückfragen bei den in Betracht kommenden Organen des Bundes oder bei einem anderen Rechtsträger, der einschlägige Förderungen zuerkennt oder abwickelt, oder bei sonstigen Dritten zu erheben und an diese zu übermitteln, wobei diese wiederum berechtigt sind, die für die Anfrage erforderlichen personenbezogenen Daten zu verarbeiten und Auskunft zu erteilen.

    Wir und das jeweils zuständige Bundesministerium sind weiters berechtigt, Transparenzportalabfragen gemäß § 32 Abs. 5 TDBG 2012, BGBl. I Nr. 99/2012, in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, durchführen. Sämtliche Auszahlungen der Förderungen sowie Rückforderungen und Rückzahlungen müssen an das Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Transparenzportal) gemeldet werden.

    Es kann auch dazu kommen, dass personenbezogenen Daten insbesondere an Organe und Beauftragte des Rechnungshofes (insbesondere gemäß § 3 Abs. 2, § 4 Abs. 1 und § 13 Abs. 3 des Rechnungshofgesetzes 1948, BGBl. Nr. 144, in der jeweils geltenden Fassung), des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen (insbesondere gemäß §§ 57 bis 61 und 47 Bundeshaushaltsgesetz 2013, BGBl. I Nr. 139/2009, sowie § 14 Allgemeine Rahmenrichtlinien für die Gewährung von Förderungen aus Bundesmitteln (ARR 2014), beide in der jeweils geltenden Fassung) und der Europäischen Union nach den EU-rechtlichen Bestimmungen übermittelt oder offengelegt werden müssen.

    15.5. Rechtliche Grundlage, Aufbewahrungsdauer

    Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt auf Basis des Art. 6 Abs. 1 Buchstabe b (Verarbeitung zur Erfüllung eines Vertrages und zu vorvertraglichen Maßnahmen), Buchstabe c (rechtliche Verpflichtung des Verantwortlichen) und Buchstabe f (zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen des Verantwortlichen) DSGVO.

    Wenn Sie die Registrierung zur Vorbereitung einer Online-Bewerbung nicht abschließen, d.h. nicht innerhalb von 7 Tagen den Aktivierungslink bestätigen, werden Ihre Registrierungsdaten automatisch gelöscht.

    Wenn Sie Daten für einen Antrag eingeben, dann jedoch keinen Antrag stellen, werden diese Daten für die Dauer von einem Jahr aufbewahrt und erst danach automatisch gelöscht, damit Sie im Folgejahr für einen allfälligen neuen Antrag diese Daten wieder verwenden können. Sie haben aber auch die Möglichkeit, die eingegebenen Daten jederzeit vorher selbst zu löschen.

    Sobald Sie einen Antrag abgesendet haben, werden Ihre Daten jedenfalls für die Dauer von zehn Jahren, und zwar

    a) im Falle der Zurücknahme oder Nichtweiterverfolgung der Bewerbung oder einer negativen Entscheidung ab dem letzten Kontakt und

    b) im Falle einer positiven Entscheidung ab dem Ende des Jahres der Auszahlung der gesamten Förderungsmittel aufbewahrt.

  • 16.1 Allgemeines zum Förderungsprogramm

    Das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (im Folgenden „BMBWF“) hat die OeAD-GmbH – Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung (im Folgenden „OeAD-GmbH“) mit der organisatorischen und technischen Umsetzung des BMBWF-Förderungsprogramms „Kinder- und Jugenduniversitäten“ beauftragt. Diesem BMBWF-Förderungsprogramm zugrunde liegt die Sonderrichtlinie des BMBWF für die Förderung von Kinder- und Jugenduniversitäten.

    Gefördert werden

    • die Veranstaltung von Kinder- und Jugenduniversitäten
    • zusätzlich die Schaffung und Durchführung von „Ferienbetreuung mit wissenschaftlichem Anspruch“ in den Sommerferien mit geringfügigen und sozial verträglichen Selbstbehalten für die Eltern

    durch außerhalb der Bundesverwaltung stehende juristische sowie natürliche Personen, die oder deren Organe über die Finanzmittel und die erforderliche fachliche Eignung zur Durchführung von durch diese Sonderrichtlinie angesprochenen Projekten verfügen.

    Das Förderungskonzept ist auf einen 6-jährigen Zeitraum (2021 bis 2026) mit 6 Ausschreibungen (Kinder und Jugenduniversitäten der Jahre 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 und 2026) ausgelegt. Die Eröffnung der Ausschreibung für eine Kinder- und Jugenduniversität erfolgt - sofern möglich - jeweils im September des Vorjahrs.

    Zusätzlich zu der genannten Bundesförderung wird das Programm zusätzlich durch das Land Niederösterreich gefördert. Diese zusätzliche Landesförderung wird ebenfalls durch die OeAD-GmbH abgewickelt.

    16.2 Erhebung und Verarbeitung von Daten, Zweckbindung

    Im Förderungsansuchen (Einreichformular) sind folgende Daten in deutscher Sprache anzugeben:

    • Name und Adresse der Organisation,
    • Wo zutreffend: Firmenbuchnummer, ZVR-Zahl, etc.,
    • Ansprechpersonen samt Kontaktdaten (E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer),
    • Projekttitel,
    • Information über Förderungswerberinnen und Förderungswerber sowie Kooperationspartnerinnen und Kooperationspartner,
    • Datum und Originalunterschrift der zeichnungsberechtigten Person
    • In Beilagen enthaltene Daten:
    • Kurzbeschreibung des Projektes (max. 1 Seite),
    • Projektbeschreibung (max. 20.000 Zeichen inkl. Leerzeichen)
    • Detaillierter Leistungs- und Zeitplan,
    • Detaillierter Kosten- und Finanzierungsplan, inkl.

    - Höhe der vom BMBWF innerhalb der jeweils letzten 3 Jahre für die Veranstaltung von Kinder- und Jugenduniversitäten erhaltenen Mittel,

    - Höhe der aus öffentlichen Mitteln oder einem anderen Rechtsträger einschließlich anderer Gebietskörperschaften und der Europäischen Union innerhalb der jeweils letzten 3 Jahre für die Veranstaltung von Kinder- und Jugenduniversitäten erhaltenen Mitteln (auch wenn mit verschiedener Zweckwidmung)

    - Höhe allfälliger Förderungsansuchen für die Veranstaltung von Kinder- und Jugenduniversitäten bei einer anderen haushaltsführenden Stelle des Bundes oder einem anderen Rechtsträger einschließlich anderer Gebietskörperschaften und der Europäischen Union, über deren Gewährung noch nicht entschieden wurde oder bei der die Förderungswerberin bzw. der Förderungsweber noch ansuchen will.

    Die in den Förderungsansuchen angegebenen Daten werden für die Bearbeitung des Förderungsansuchens, für den Versand von Zuerkennungs- oder Ablehnungsschreiben, für weitergehende Korrespondenz (Rückfragen), den Vertragsabschluss, die Übermittlung von Informationen, für die Auszahlung und Abrechnung der Förderung sowie für die Nachbetreuung und Evaluierung verwendet.

    16.3 Erhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten dritter Personen

    Wenn Sie (insbesondere als Vertreter/in für die Förderungswerber/innen) im Zuge des Förderungsansuchens oder im Rahmen Ihrer Berichts- und Abrechnungspflichten personenbezogene Daten Dritter an uns übermitteln, sind Sie verpflichtet, die betroffenen Personen über diese Datenübermittlung und Datenverwendung zu informieren und gegebenenfalls Einwilligungen zur Datenverarbeitung bzw. Datenübermittlung lückenlos einzuholen.

    16.4 Weitergabe von Daten an Dritte

    Wir und das jeweils zuständige Bundesministerium sind gemäß Art 6 Abs. 1 Buchstabe f DSGVO (unser berechtigtes Interesse zur Überprüfung der Angaben von Antragsteller/innen und zur Vermeidung von missbräuchlicher Verwendung der Förderungen) berechtigt, die personenbezogenen Daten, auch über die von Ihnen selbst erteilten Auskünfte hinaus, für die Beurteilung des Vorliegens der Förderungsvoraussetzung und zur Prüfung des Verwendungsnachweises bzw. der Abrechnung (z.B. zur Vermeidung von Doppelförderungen) auch durch Rückfragen bei den in Betracht kommenden Organen des Bundes oder bei einem anderen Rechtsträger, der einschlägige Förderungen zuerkennt oder abwickelt, oder bei sonstigen Dritten zu erheben und an diese zu übermitteln, wobei diese wiederum berechtigt sind, die für die Anfrage erforderlichen personenbezogenen Daten zu verarbeiten und Auskunft zu erteilen.

    Für die Abwicklung der zusätzlichen Förderung des Landes Niederösterreich werden sämtliche Einreichunterlagen (gegebenenfalls wo erforderlich mit Zustimmung der betroffenen Personen), der Endbericht und die Endabrechnung sowie das Protokoll der Jurysitzung des BMBWF, in welchem u.a. auch die Diskussionspunkte zu den einzelnen Projekten (Stärken und Schwächen bzw. v.a. Gründe für Kürzungen oder Ablehnung der Projekte) enthalten sind, auch an das Land Niederösterreich weitergeleitet und von diesem verarbeitet.

    Wir und das jeweils zuständige Bundesministerium sind weiters berechtigt, Transparenzportalabfragen gemäß § 32 Abs. 5 TDBG 2012, BGBl. I Nr. 99/2012, in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, durchführen. Sämtliche Auszahlungen der Förderungen sowie Rückforderungen und Rückzahlungen müssen an das Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Transparenzportal) gemeldet werden.

    Es kann auch dazu kommen, dass personenbezogenen Daten insbesondere an Organe und Beauftragte des Rechnungshofes (insbesondere gemäß § 3 Abs. 2, § 4 Abs. 1 und § 13 Abs. 3 des Rechnungshofgesetzes 1948, BGBl. Nr. 144, in der jeweils geltenden Fassung), des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen (insbesondere gemäß §§ 57 bis 61 und 47 Bundeshaushaltsgesetz 2013, BGBl. I Nr. 139/2009, sowie § 14 Allgemeine Rahmenrichtlinien für die Gewährung von Förderungen aus Bundesmitteln (ARR 2014), beide in der jeweils geltenden Fassung) und der Europäischen Union nach den EU-rechtlichen Bestimmungen übermittelt oder offengelegt werden müssen.

    16.5 Rechtliche Grundlage, Aufbewahrungsdauer

    Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt auf Basis des Art. 6 Abs. 1 Buchstabe b (Verarbeitung zur Erfüllung eines Vertrages und zu vorvertraglichen Maßnahmen), Buchstabe c (rechtliche Verpflichtung des Verantwortlichen) und Buchstabe f (zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen des Verantwortlichen) DSGVO.

    Wenn Sie die Registrierung zur Vorbereitung eines Online-Ansuchens nicht abschließen, d.h. nicht innerhalb von 7 Tagen den Aktivierungslink bestätigen, werden Ihre Registrierungsdaten automatisch gelöscht.

    Wenn Sie Daten für ein Ansuchen eingeben, dann jedoch kein Ansuchen stellen, werden diese Daten für die Dauer von einem Jahr aufbewahrt und erst danach automatisch gelöscht, damit Sie im Folgejahr für ein allfälliges neues Ansuchen diese Daten wieder verwenden können. Sie haben aber auch die Möglichkeit, die eingegebenen Daten jederzeit vorher selbst zu löschen.

    Sobald Sie ein Ansuchen abgesendet haben, werden Ihre Daten jedenfalls für die Dauer von zehn Jahren, und zwar

    a) im Falle der Zurücknahme oder Nichtweiterverfolgung des Ansuchens oder einer negativen Entscheidung ab dem letzten Kontakt und

    b) im Falle einer positiven Entscheidung ab dem Ende des Jahres der Auszahlung der gesamten Förderungsmittel aufbewahrt.

  • Your participation in surveys is voluntary. The OeAD-GmbH will not detect personal data and will not develop personal user profiles unless you voluntarily declare them during survey participation (such as e-mail, name, phone number, interests, etc). To conduct a survey the OeAD-BmbH uses a software tool of the bestHeads Online Marketing GmbH, located in Vienna (Austria). bestHeads privacy policy can be found here. Data becoming available in the course of the survey (IP-address of the device you are using to take part in the survey, together with date and time = server log) will be stored by the bestHeads Online Marketing GmbH ( for a period of six months on servers of the Hetzner Online GmbH in Germany (a server backup will be stored by the GmbH in Vienna) for the purpose of providing assistance in the case of errors and their analysis as well as in case of security concerns and will be deleted automatically after this period of time (if the further storage is necessary for evidence purposes the data will not be deleted until the incident in question has been finally resolved).

    Cookies will be set when you are completing the survey. You can delete them in your browser settings at any time.

    As soon as you declare personal data during the survey please notice that the OeAD-GmbH will process and store this data for reasons of checking and evaluating of the survey. All information you are providing in the survey will be treated as confidential and, in accordance with the GDPR, processed and used by the OeAD-GmbH exclusively for the purpose of the survey stated on the start page. The data will be transferred to third parties as well as it will be published in anonymous form without exception.

    Data is processed according to the legal provisions Art. 6 para. 1 letter a (Consent) and letter e (Performing our statutory public relations mandate in our area of responsibility) and point f (for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party) of the GDPR.

  • Inhalt folgt

II. Further privacy policies

Version of 07.05.2022